
Attorney warns of Big Tech CEO’s vision of AI surveillance: ‘Ultimate form of tyranny’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Attorney Tom Renz warned that Oracle chairman Larry Ellison’s vision of total surveillance, enabled by his company’s database software, will lay the groundwork for “tyranny” in which algorithms are used to predict behavior.

On his own show, Renz recently highlighted remarks in which Ellison lauded the ability of AI to help surveil the population during one of Oracle’s financial analyst meetings.

“The police will be on their best behavior because we’re constantly watching and recording everything that’s going on. Citizens will be on their best behavior because we’re constantly recording and reporting everything that’s going on,” Ellison said regarding AI monitoring applications for “security” purposes, such as to help quickly stop shootings in schools and malls.

Ellison has recently drawn sharp criticism both for his plans to help create AI data centers in partnership with the U.S. government and for his suggestion that such AI be used to create cancer mRNA “vaccines.” Shots containing mRNA have taken a devastating toll on human health and lives after their rollout during the COVID outbreak, having triggered a reported 38,264 deaths and at least 1,658,330 adverse events.

Renz and other critics point out not only that mRNA shots pose serious health dangers — including a multiplied cancer risk —but that Ellison’s facilitation of AI data centers for the government could involve the kind of dystopian surveillance he has already praised.

“So Larry Ellison is going to spy on everything everyone is doing on the planet. You’re going to be on your best behavior because you’re under the supervision of the omnipresent AI. Isn’t that comforting?” Renz sarcastically remarked.

Renz questioned whether places like Epstein Island, where children were taken to be sexually abused, will be monitored.

“Do you think that the islands that Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton are going to, to do what they do, do you think that those will be surveilled? Do you think that AI will be omnipresent there or will they be allowed to have their exclusive private areas where AI is not privileged to know what they’re doing? I wonder.”

“The World Economic Forum meeting is going on right now. I wonder if every moment of that is recorded. I wonder if AI is recording what Klaus Schwab is saying in every private meeting that he’s in. Or if that’s just for we the people. We the plebs,” Renz continued.

“Now, why does this matter? The AI system is going to be tied in with health care,” Renz noted as he pulled up a screenshot of HR 238, a bill that would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to “clarify that artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies can qualify as a practitioner eligible to prescribe drugs if authorized by the State.”

In other words, “what they want to do is let AI prescribe and be your doctor,” Renz pointed out. He stressed that if this legislation passes, AI will set a standard of care that will effectively run out of business any doctor who deviates from AI protocols.

Renz explained that malpractice lawsuits are founded on deviation from standard practice. As an example, if the vast majority of doctors in a given area prescribed Remdesivir for COVID and one doctor prescribed something else, and their patient died for whatever reason, they could be found guilty of malpractice, even if Remdesivir had a high mortality rate.

If AI is permitted to prescribe, it will become “standardized across the country,” Renz noted, but it will be “manipulated by the people who control AI.” They will thereby effectively “shut down all innovation” while “AI will be immune from malpractice” because it has set the standard of care.

That movers and shakers intend to use AI in health care has only been confirmed by Ellison, who recently praised AI’s potential to detect early signs of cancer, gene sequence the cancer, and then “vaccinate” a person against that cancer using an mRNA shot.

Renz pointed out that Ellison’s reference to early cancer detection implies the use of predictive AI, which Renz said “will be shown to be statistically correct the vast majority of the time.” He warned that such AI could be used to enforce “Minority Report” style domination of citizens, referring to the 2002 film portraying a future in which citizens are arrested for crimes they have not actually committed but are predicted to commit by psychics (“precogs”).

In fact, the name “oracle” originally refers to a person who, in ancient Greece, was considered to channel the hidden knowledge of the “gods,” including precognition of the future. Ellison’s Oracle also refers to the CIA’s Project Oracle, which Ellison previously worked on along with Oracle’s other co-founders.

Incidentally, while The Hollywood Reporter says Ellison’s joint venture with the U.S. government and other tech CEOs — Project Stargate — is named after the 1994 sci-fi film, Project Stargate happens to be the name of another CIA project that sought to explore psychic phenomena, including remote viewing and long-distance precognition. 

Renz speculated that once AI is deeply integrated with health care people could be forced to undergo “re-education” or rehabilitation for detected mental health “issues” or anomalies.

“With regards to mental health … You go to the doctor or you check in with your AI on a daily basis, and your AI notices you’re getting real grumpy with your situation in life. Well, you’re likely to commit a crime. So guess what? We’re going to require that you talk with a psychiatrist, or we’re going to tail you,” Renz envisioned.

“Sound like conspiracy theory? There (are) AI systems that are being built right now to examine your mental health and predict whether you’ll be a criminal or a deviant. Maybe you don’t like the President. Maybe you don’t like the political parties that are in power. You will be re-educated,” Renz said.

“This is the ultimate form of tyranny and control. This is Minority Report,” he concluded.

To those who believe his predictions sound like “conspiracy theory,” Renz questioned, “Six years ago, would you ever have thought that someone would force you to wear a mask? Would you ever have thought that someone would put January 6-ers in political prison?”

Renz warned that Americans will lose their “constitutional rights and freedoms” if Ellison’s vision of surveillance is enforced.

The AI “has to be subservient to us, not the other way around,” Renz declared. “We can never let AI become a predictive tool to trample our rights.”

“At the very minimum, we can make sure (AI) is subject to our constitutional protections and freedoms. That we have to do, and we have to do immediately.”

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