
This Is What Really Happened During the Flood

Perhaps one of the most fascinating and perplexing pieces of history is the account of Noah and the flood. This story ultimately points to the wrath of God, His mercy and His promise to never leave us nor forsake us.

Yet, one of the key questions that could be asked about this event is: why are there no remaining human fossils from this scenario?

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In an recent video, David Rives Ministries gave a plausible, scientific explanation about why we do not see human remains from this event, and how the flood of Noah’s day helps to debunk the theory of evolution.

According to the Bible, the entire human population was wiped out during the catastrophic flood except for Noah and his family. Yet, despite extensive fossil discoveries—ranging from marine life in Tennessee backyards to dinosaurs encased in rock across Colorado, Germany and Argentina—human fossils remain scarce.

Rives explains that the sequence of events during the flood provides a logical answer.

“The first thing to get buried would have been the sea creatures in the pre-flood oceans, becoming trapped in the mud,” Rives says. “Humans obviously don’t live down in the swamp land so they already would have been living higher than the pre-flood level. But you can bet that when the water began to rise they would have climbed as high as they could, floated as long as possible, maybe they even survived a short while by grabbing onto floating logs or driftwood.”

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Rives points out that this means humans would have likely been scattered on the surface of the water, so there would be no opportunity for human remains to become buried under the surface of the earth.

He says the majority of human remains found today are dated after the flood. However, this is key, pointing to us being created, and not evolving from another creature.

“If modern humans have been evolving from ape-like ancestors for the past few million years, then there’s a giant problem. In fact, there should be at least five billion individuals who have lived and died over that time and that means that the fossil record should show millions of skeletons of humans and almost human remains. Guess what we find? A couple of bags of bones.”

Rives points out that the lack of evidence of these ape-like beings existing, including in records prior to the flood, is one of the reasons we do not see evolutionary theorists look at the fossil record; it directly shows the error of evolution. Taking a deep dive into archaeology, our world proves that what the Bible says is true, and there is no other account that even comes close.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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