
Pro-abortion exceptions advocate, Donald Trump, blasts Republicans for midterm results over strict abortion restrictions

(Newsweek) – Donald Trump has blamed the Republican Party’s disappointing midterm performances on the “abortion issue” rather than the failure of his endorsed candidates.

In a post on Truth Social, the former president said that it “wasn’t my fault” that the GOP failed to ride the expected “red wave” in November’s elections, while pointing the finger for the poor election results at those in the party who pushed for severe abortion restrictions post Roe v. Wade.

Many people, including within the GOP, blamed Trump’s MAGA and election denying candidates for the GOP failing to retake control of the Senate and only just achieving a slim majority in the House.

Trump posted on Truth Social: “It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the MidTerms. I was 233-20! It was the “abortion issue,” poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest, or Life of the Mother, that lost large numbers of Voters. Also, the people that pushed so hard, for decades, against abortion, got their wish from the U.S. Supreme Court, & just plain disappeared, not to be seen again. Plus, Mitch stupid $’s!”

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