
Fox News Features IFA – Intercessors for America

IFA was recently covered in an interview done by Fox News. Let’s pray that this article bring more and more intercessors into our community!

From Fox News. Prayer is a focus this month as Americans observe Sanctity for Life Month all throughout January — with Jan. 22 specifically observed as Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. The faithful are hoping that their prayers will encourage respect for life at all stages.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.

Intercessors for America (IFA) is a religious organization in the United States that is laser-focused on prayer 365 days a year — for national issues such as the right to life — and for the nation’s elected leaders, too.

Located in Northern Virginia and founded in 1973, IFA has “millions of Americans” praying and responding to specific action items as part of an interconnected online community, IFA CEO Dave Kubal told Fox News Digital in a phone interview.

“We believe that God invites us to join him in shaping history through prayer,” Kubal said. …

So what does a national prayer collective offer participants?

“The average Christian does not have the contacts, time or energy to keep informed about most issues on national, state and local levels,” the IFA website indicates.

“More and more, some of these issues appear to deny our freedoms,” the site also notes. “With each emerging concern, we need to seek God’s intervention and guidance for our leaders.” …

‘God at work’ in the nation

While people can often “experience discouragement” when it comes to governmental affairs, if they pray, they can see “God at work” in the nation, Kubal emphasized. …

Today in particular, “many men and women of faith may be discouraged by the political climate in our nation,” he said.

“Yet I would point to victories for the faith community that occurred this year. Number one was the protection of the unborn [through the reversal of Roe v. Wade].”

He continued, “The one that’s not talked about much — and I think it’s unfortunate — is the Coach Kennedy case.” …

‘Take it to the local level’

The year of 2022 was one of growth for IFA, with big things on the horizon for 2023, said the CEO.

“In this last year, the Lord’s blessed us by putting together state networks with leaders in every state. So in 2022 we saw half a billion impressions across all of our platforms,” said Kubal. …

IFA is going to harness the engagement it’s built around prayer for national leaders and “really take it to the local level” this year and in the future, Kubal said.

The group will do this by using IFA “leaders in every state to assist the men and women of faith in supporting their local lawmakers through prayer and encouragement — and to be a part of encouraging God’s values in their local communities.” …

Kubal said it is important to pray for elected leaders because “it’s all about our freedoms … At the center of God’s kingdom and his governance over creation is this concept of our personal freedoms and that our rights come from him and him only.” …

Elected lawmakers need to understand that they “do not have the power to distribute rights to us,” Kubal said.

“Our creator does that,” he noted, “not any government.” …

He added, “Christianity and our belief in religious freedoms is that which will ensure the future freedoms of our nation.”

Are you encouraged by IFA’s growth and reach? Share this article to encourage people to join our community!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)

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