
Asbury University Professor Observes Unanticipated Divine Intervention

Asbury University is usually a typical college on Wednesday mornings, with students heading to the Hughes Auditorium for chapel. However, this Wednesday was unlike any other. A palpable energy filled the room as the gospel choir finished their performance, and the benediction was given.

Students who would typically leave for their next class found themselves rooted to the spot, drawn in by a sense of awe and wonder. The choir’s final chorus triggered a chain reaction, leaving everyone with heightened spiritual awareness. The students’ devotion extended beyond the chapel, with many remaining to pray and continue their worship. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated faith that they will remember for a long time.

An Unanticipated Miracle is Happening at Asbury University

According to the website of Asbury University, Christ-centered education is the foundation of their community, where students embark on a life-changing journey. Asbury University provides an environment that promotes spiritual growth, academic excellence, and personal development.

The faculty members work tirelessly to provide a dynamic learning experience that prepares everyone for future career success. Along with academic growth, students will also find meaningful friendships that will last a lifetime. Asbury University is committed to serving the community and making a positive impact through Christian service, research, and learning.

Thomas H. McCall, a professor of theology at the university, expressed his amazement and gratitude as he witnessed what he called “a miracle” happening at Asbury University. According to his statement in Christianity Today, the chapel was filled with students, each worshipping in their unique way.

Some stood with arms lifted high, while others recited Scripture or prayed together in small groups. The altar rail was filled with students kneeling and prostrating themselves before God. Their faces radiated with joy and peace as they worshipped.

This continued throughout the day and into the night as students from other universities began to arrive, drawn by the spirit of worship at Asbury. By Thursday evening, there was standing room only as hundreds gathered together to praise and glorify God. This outpouring of prayer is a testament to the transformative power of Christ-centered education and the impact it can have on students’ lives.

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A Revival Gathering Sparked at the University

In an article in Christianity Daily, recently, a revival gathering has once again begun at Asbury University, and students are gathering to experience the Holy Spirit. Alexandra Presta, the institution’s senior and executive editor of the student newspaper The Collegian, reported that it all started with the chapel service where Zach Meerkreebs talked about “love in action” from Romans 12.

Although only around 30 students continued worship after the service, more students joined them later. They engaged in testimonies, confession, prayer, worship, and stillness, which Presta described as “a full encounter of the Holy Spirit.”

Interestingly, Asbury University had a similar experience in February 1970, and the school celebrated the 50th anniversary of that gathering in early 2020. This time, the revival has already spread to other regional universities.

Related Article: Asbury University’s Students, Staff Engaged with Worship and Prayer During Revival Gathering

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