
Indian Christian Couples Find Joy in Marriage, Whether Arranged or Not, as They Thank God

Marriage is something that people mostly have struggles with; whether finding the right partner or being in married life, challenges are always present. In India, arranged marriages are very prominent. It is a dilemma whether these couples are still happy, that they are not the ones who decide entirely on who they will marry.

Despite this, Indian couples who are Christian are still happy, living in joy as they devote their faith to thanking God in everything, including their marriages.

Couple in India Shares Their Beliefs

An interview conducted by Christianity Today with some couples in India who are in an arranged marriage and self-choice love marriage. Monica and Amit Chand, a couple married for 19 years, have a unique perspective on love and arranged marriages. They come from different backgrounds and have different views on the matter.

Monica believes that the excitement and surprise of love marriages are missing in arranged marriages. She also believes inviting God into their lives has made their marriage more robust and meaningful.

Amit, on the other hand, believes that couples that are in arranged marriages get to know each other after marriage, which prolongs the novelty of their relationship. They agree that God’s will is essential in choosing a partner, but they have different views on how their children should approach marriage. While Monica advocates for love marriages, Amit believes they should follow God’s plan. Despite their differences, they both believe their faith in God has been essential to their marriage.

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What Exactly are Arranged Marriages in India, and Who are Involved Here?

Arranged marriages have been a long-standing tradition in India and are a popular means of finding a life partner even in the modern age. Unlike Western tradition, where dating apps are popular, individuals have more control over their choices. Arranged marriages often involve the family’s input, with parents or matchmakers making decisions on behalf of the potential couple.

According to Harvard Politics, while this may seem restrictive, arranged marriages have evolved over the years to give more power to the individuals involved. This means they now have more opportunities to meet and interact before making a final decision.

However, some aspects of arranged marriages portrayed in “Indian Matchmaking” on Netflix should be examined closely. The show normalizes some practices that can be problematic and could lead to unsatisfactory relationships within arranged marriages.

According to Scholar Blogs, the matchmaker, known as the nayan, plays a crucial role in introducing possible matches to the family. It is a neutral third party that negotiates between families to ensure a successful and respectful marriage proposal. The nayan considers various factors such as economic status, family background, and dowry value before scouting out a suitable partner for a family.

Once a potential match is found, the matchmaker facilitates communication and negotiations between the families until an agreement is met. Sometimes, the couple can meet and interact before the marriage proposal is finalized.

While this traditional approach may not be as prevalent in modern times, it still holds significance in some cultures. It is a respected and successful way to enter a marital union. Ultimately, it’s essential to acknowledge that while arranged marriages work for some people, they may not be the best choice for everyone.

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