
Morning Rundown: Pastor Greg Locke’s New Movie Takes the Fight to Satan

Pastor Greg Locke (Charisma News archives)

Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Pastor Greg Locke’s New Movie Takes the Fight to Satan

Hoping to re-engage the American church in spiritual warfare, Pastor Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, hopes to mobilize God’s faithful against Satan.

To do this, he and members of the Demon Slayers Podcast have created a movie filled with the Word of God to confront and overcome the enemy.

The movie, “Come Out in Jesus Name,” launches Mon. March 13, with more showings and locations to be added by Fathom Events.

But God: Injured Infant Miraculously Healed After Faith-Filled Prayer

With her infant child laying severely injured in a Corpus Christi hospital room, single mother Britany Rene Garza knew all she could count on was prayer and God’s healing power.

Her 3-month-old, Saveah, was injured in an accident when someone knocked over her stroller. After being taken to the emergency room at a nearby hospital, Saveah went into a seizure and was transferred to Driscoll Children’s Hospital, where an initial scan revealed bleeding and severe bruising on the baby’s brain.

She also suffered a broken clavicle and two broken ribs in the fall. Saveah’s injuries left Britany Rene in a state of panic, but she knew immediately what she must do: pray, and get others to pray for her baby’s life.

President Mark Walker Explains Revival at Lee University

It’s amazing what is beginning to happen on our college campuses. With the Asbury University Revival more than a week in, other pockets of revival are beginning to break out around America, which is extremely encouraging for a country in desperate need of God.

new cm coverimageThere is another one that is beginning to take hold at Lee University—a private, Christian university in Cleveland, Tennessee—and it looks as if the Holy Spirit is moving mightily among the students and faculty there. I had the privilege or recently talking to Lee University’s president, Mark Walker, who says this move of God began Monday morning as an organic, spontaneous prayer vigil by a handful of students.

This all reminds me of the early days of Pentecost. There was a day when the Lord would move in a church and people would stay at the altars, usually after a Sunday night service, and pray through. Does anyone remember that expression? We don’t see that much anymore.

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