
Nikki Haley Joins the Race for 2024 – Intercessors for America

I Prayed

have prayed

Lord, we pray that You would bless Nikki Haley. Give her wisdom as she pursues the Republican nomination, and help her to honor and reflect You. Let Your candidate secure the presidency, God!

Haley is the second Republican to announce her campaign. As more people join the race, let’s pray that God would bless all of them and allow His choice to rise to the top.

From Just the News. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Tuesday morning announced her campaign for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

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“Republicans have lost the popular vote in seven out of the last eight presidential elections,” Haley said in a video announcing her bid. “That has to change. It’s time for a new generation of leadership.” …

Haley, a former United Nations ambassador under Trump, opened her video by reflecting on her childhood. …

She also singled out who and what she considers the biggest threats to the United States — and vowed if elected to take them head on.

“China and Russia are on the march,” the 51-year-old Haley said. …

On domestic policy, Haley pledged to be fiscally responsible and secure the U.S. border. …

How are you praying over the 2024 presidential election? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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