
Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Minor Charges – Intercessors for America

Is Hunter Biden’s plea deal a just result? Intercessor, what do you think?

From National Review. Hunter Biden, the ne’er-do-well and perpetually scandal-ridden son of President Joe Biden, has reached a deal with the Justice Department.

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According to court documents filed Tuesday, Biden will plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges of willful failure to pay income taxes which, after years of dithering, the Biden Justice Department is accepting in lieu of felony tax-evasion charges that would have carried potential five-year terms of incarceration. This will allow him to be sentenced to probation.

More mind-boggling given the Democrats’ anti-firearms theatrics, Biden is being allowed to enter “pretrial diversion” (essentially a counseling program) in lieu of being prosecuted for possession of a handgun by a user of illegal narcotics. That’s a federal felony, carrying a potential ten-year prison sentence, based on a statute that was shepherded through Congress by none other than then-senator Joe Biden during the Clinton administration. …

Justice Department plea guidelines call for the government to seek a guilty plea to the most serious readily provable offense. It’s outrageous that this isn’t happening on either the tax crimes or gun offense. …

Of course, the Hunter Biden story does not end here. His alarming and highly lucrative influence-peddling with foreign interests is a far more serious matter than the tax-evasion and gun-possession matters. …

… [I]t is clear that Hunter Biden’s business dealings with shady foreign nationals warrant more investigation. David C. Weiss, U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, indicated in a press release announcing the plea deal that “the investigation is ongoing.” Hopefully, he means it, but anyone who has paid attention the last few years can be forgiven for having serious doubts.

What do you think of Hunter Biden’s plea deal? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: acaben –[email protected]/3218619335/, CC BY-SA 2.0,

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