
5 Major Disagreements in Christianity Today

There are multiple disagreements happening within Christianity in the modern day. As someone who went to a Bible college, I experienced these disagreements and how much they could cause division among believers firsthand.

As the body of believers, we need to strive for unity and not allow disagreements to cause us to separate from each other. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion; however, it is also important for us to respect everyone’s opinion.

1. Eschatology

One of the major disagreements in Christianity is Eschatology. Eschatology is the study of future events. These future events are rooted in the prophecy of the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation.

As mentioned, I went to Bible college, and the matter of eschatology caused many people to be separated from each other.

Rather than respecting each other’s views, there were many people who looked down on those who held an opposite view of themselves. Seeing the other side as being “uneducated” or “unbiblical” caused many hurt feelings.

Within Eschatology, there are two major views. These two major views are known as dispensationalism and covenant theology.

The former teaches a literal interpretation of future events and biblical texts; however, the latter has differing views of allegories concerning the future events of the world. Despite having different views of Eschatology, there needs to be unity in the church.

Neither of these views has a different understanding of salvation; therefore, it is important that we respect each other’s opinion and not look down on someone if they have a different view of Eschatology than us.

2. Getting Tattoos

A second major disagreement in the church today is getting tattoos. I was just recently talking to my dad about tattoos, and he is very anti-tattoo. As someone who was born in the 1950s, he views them as something that is damaging to your body.

As an adult myself, I see there is nothing wrong with someone getting a tattoo. If someone wants to get a tattoo, that is up to them. They are not defacing their body nor are they sinning by getting a tattoo.

Many people try to misuse Old Testament passages to condemn tattoos, but these passages are talking about making markings on your body for the dead. They are not referring to the tattoos of today.

If you want to get a tattoo, that is fine and if you don’t, that’s fine too. Just know in your mind what you want to do and make sure your tattoo is something that brings God glory.

While there is nothing wrong with getting a tattoo, there is something wrong if you get a tattoo with a bad word or something that contains bad content. At the end of the day, getting a tattoo is between you and God. Nobody else’s opinion matters — only yours and God’s.

There are many people who are against tattoos or who will make you feel bad for getting one, but don’t let it get you down. They have a right to their own opinion, but it doesn’t mean their opinion should affect you in any way.

Even though getting a tattoo as a Christian can be seen as taboo, there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, if anyone thinks it is a “sin” to get a tattoo, they are being legalistic and do not truly understand the freedom we have in Christ.

3. Alcohol

A third major disagreement in Christianity today is the consumption of alcohol. Many people feel it is a sin to drink alcohol, whereas other people see there is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol.

Getting drunk or being a drunkard is a sin; however, simply drinking alcohol in moderation is not a sin.

Jesus Himself drank wine while He walked on this earth, and wine was present at the Last Supper not to mention the fact that Jesus turned water into wine for His first miracle (John 2:1-11). If the Lord was against alcohol, why would he turn water into wine as His very first miracle?

Those who choose to drink alcohol are fine with their lifestyle, and those who don’t drink alcohol should be fine with their lifestyle. Never should we condemn someone for what they do simply because we don’t like it.

Drinking alcohol in moderation is not a sin; therefore, nobody needs to have disagreements on this matter. If someone wants to drink alcohol, that is fine and if they don’t, that’s fine too. There is no point in causing division among the family of God over drinking alcohol in moderation.

4. Divorce

A fourth major disagreement in Christianity today is the matter of divorce. Marriage is a wonderful thing; however, many Christians look down on those who get divorced.

It is important to note that divorce is biblical if one partner is unfaithful to the other or if one of the partners does not treat the other partner in a way that is in agreement with Paul’s teachings in Ephesians 5:22-33.

Within these circumstances, it is okay to get divorced. Divorce is a terrible thing; however, sometimes, it is the only thing a couple can do.

There is a disagreement within Christianity today over divorce because some individuals believe you should never get divorced for any reason. This is not biblical because nowhere in the Bible does God say you have to remain in a toxic relationship.

Rather, it is within your freedom to leave if your spouse cheats on you or does not treat you well. If your spouse abuses you in any way, you are not bound to stay in the marriage.

For the people who believe you should stay in the marriage no matter what, even if your spouse is unfaithful to you or abuses you, this is not biblical, and it is not right to make people feel bad if they have been divorced.

Divorce can be a taboo word for many, yet sometimes it is the best thing to do. If you are divorced, know that God can redeem your life and help you grow more in your relationship with Him.

You might get married again, or you might not, but you can rest assured that the Lord is with you. If anyone looks down on you for getting a divorce, know that it is their problem — not yours. It is okay to get a divorce if your spouse is unfaithful to you or if they are abusing you.

5. What Music to Listen To

A fifth major disagreement in Christianity today is what music you listen to. While this might not seem important to many people, legalism can creep into believers, especially when it comes to music.

Many Christians believe you can only listen to worship music, while others believe it is in your Christian freedom to listen to any music you want to listen to. Yet again, this is in your Christian freedom, and every Christian has the freedom to listen to whatever music they want to listen to.

If you are somebody who condemns others for the music they listen to, you need to stop. Maybe you are trying to be helpful, but you are only hurting people. Rather than being mean toward others about their music selection, analyze what you are listening to and your own heart motive.

In this way, you will be able to see for yourself your own motivation for the music you listen to. It could be you are only listening to worship music because legalism has fallen into your own heart.

For further reading:

What Is Eschatology?

Can Someone Get to Heaven with Tattoos?

When Is it Okay for Christians to Consider Divorce?

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/LaylaBird

Vivian Bricker loves Jesus, studying the Word of God, and helping others in their walk with Christ. She has earned a Bachelor of Arts and Master’s degree in Christian Ministry with a deep academic emphasis in theology. Her favorite things to do are spending time with her family and friends, reading, and spending time outside. When she is not writing, she is embarking on other adventures.

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