
The Brew: Why is White House Making It Harder to Stop Child Sex Trafficking? And is Barbie Movie Good for Kids? – The Stream

Happy Tuesday!

Serving up a wide range of Brews today.

And we start with a mystery.

Why is DOJ Erasing Even More Info About Child Sex Trafficking?

Remember a couple weeks back the story about the DOJ dumping large, crucial sections on child sex trafficking from its website? Well, War Room has uncovered another instance of DOJ deleting important information. This time from their “Citizen’s Guide to Child Sex Trafficking Laws.”

Their exclusive shows how on May 12, DOJ deleted from the guide four of the five laws dealing with child sex trafficking.

(Source: War Room)

The elimination of the “coercion and enticement” one is particularly troubling since that, in essence, deals with grooming. Specifically, the use of things like email, phones or internet to “persuade, induce, entice a minor to engage in prostitution or any other illegal sexual activity.”

Why wouldn’t you want the public informed on that?

Here’s another angle that has me befuddled: You have Sound of Freedom, a powerful blockbuster movie shining a huge light on child sex trafficking, and the DOJ’s not taking advantage of that light? Not using the movie to double their efforts to educate? Instead, they’re trying to dim the light on child sex trafficking?

The most logical answer is too dark to contemplate … until you get to this next story.

In Texas, DOJ Sues Over River Barrier. In AZ, Cartel Bridge Gets to Stay

If you wanted to facilitate human trafficking at the southern border, what would you do? Pretty simple. You’d make it easier for cartels to smuggle people in, and make it harder for American law enforcement to stop it.

Yesterday, the DOJ sued Texas after the state refused to remove a floating barrier of buoys placed in the Rio Grande River to discourage illegals from coming over. Texas is vowing to fight to keep the barrier.

Meanwhile, over in Yuma, Arizona, Real America’s Voice host Ben Bergquam reports “the cartel built a (makeshift) bridge from Mexico to the U.S., so illegals don’t have to get their feet wet walking across the river. And Border Patrol, Secretary Mayorkas and Joe Biden are allowing it.” He says the Border Patrol “flies over here every single day in a helicopter. They let it stay and they let people keep coming.”

The Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) now estimates 7 million illegal aliens have crossed over the border with Mexico since Biden took office. As Gateway Pundit notes, that’s more than the population of 35 states.

Court records revealed Monday show DHS is only starting deportation proceedings on 20% of those caught entering our country illegally and released into the U.S.

Call PETA, Musk Has Killed the Twitter Bird

Twitter has officially done away with its iconic blue bird logo. RIP, little birdie. The new logo is an X.

Musk and Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino made the announcement Monday. Yaccarino explained all in a string of tweets.

Hunter Biden’s Ex Business Partner and BFF Set to Spill to Congress

Devon Archer is going to testify before the House Oversight Committee this week, and boy does he have a story to tell. Who is Devon Archer? Hunter Biden’s former business partner and BFF.

The New York Post broke a bombshell story Monday that Archer is set to testify that Hunter put then-VP Joe Biden on the phone at least two dozen times with their business associates, including with Burisma executives where Hunter told his father they “need our support.” Three months later, Joe browbeat Ukraine into firing the prosecutor investigating Burisma.

Archer is also expected to confirm “The Big Guy” was the nickname given Joe Biden.

You can read all about it in “Dozens of Phone Calls With Joe? Former Hunter Business Partner and BFF to Spill to Congress.”

Barbie Bad News?

If you’ve turned on the TV any time in the past two months, you’ve probably had your fill of the color pink. Not just from commercials for the movie Barbie, but the 100-or-so product tie-ins as well.

The movie finally arrived last weekend, and did fabulous business, topping the box office with a whopping $162,000,000 in ticket sales. That not only makes it the biggest opening of any movie this summer, but, as AP reports, the biggest movie opening for a female director. In this case, Greta Gerwig. So, since Barbie is a doll for kids, is the movie appropriate for kids?

Unfortunately, the movie is not for children, not even exactly dumb summer fun. (I mean, a movie about Barbie, a doll with an inability to keep the same job for long?) According to Movieguide founder Dr. Ted Baehr the film is “hardcore propaganda,” a slapdown of men that sends a terrible message to young girls. “Barbie has to leave because she’s not adapting to … this hate of the patriarchal society, although she hates Ken,” he told CBN Faithwire’s Billy Hallowell. “Men are the villain.” He also notes a couple of trans people playing “Barbies.” “You’re saying to those little girls who go to see this movie that some little boy can be a better girl than that little girl.”

So what about for adults? National Review’s Armond White observes that the movie is “frantic, uncheerful, and graceless,” and that “Barbie symbolizes a culture that devalues childhood and goodness.” Kyle Smith over at Wall Street Journal says “as bubbly as the film appears, its script is like a grumpier-than-average women’s studies seminar.”

The Federalist’s Rich Cropwell bemoans the good, clean, family fun a Barbie movie could have been.

Instead, we’re treated to a series of angry talking points in which the only fanciful flights of imagination are ones that veer off into a nightmarish world in which women are objectified, vilified, and subjugated in ways that would make a literal caveman blush.

Along The Stream

Someone is claiming the church will be raptured by the end of this year, based on the first line of Genesis. Yeah, really. Dr. Michael Brown digs deep into ancient Hebrew to declare, “Enough With These Crazy Rapture Prophecies.”

The latest “Conversations With Christians Engaged” podcast is up. What does it mean to pray for the nation? Why is it important? Bunni talks to Will Ford in the latest installment of her series, “Prayer + Intercession: How Talking to God Can Change Everything.”

I am taking the rest of the week off in solidarity with the striking SAG-AFTRA actors. Or was it using up some vacation time? I forget. John Z. will be throwing down in my stead. See you Monday. Unless something big happens over the weekend, which does tend to happen when I’m off.

Till then, have a glorious week.

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTR, Gab, Parler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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