
Canadian professor says showing adult genitalia to ‘little children’ is an ‘excellent parenting idea’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — An associate professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC) has suggested that parents expose their children to “penises” and “vulvas” of various “ages” to prepare them for potential encounters with gender-confused men in female spaces and vice versa.

“Hey, want to know one of my all time excellent parenting ideas?” the UBC English Department’s Katja Thieme asked on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“Let. Little. Children. See. Penises. And. Vulvas. Of. Various. Ages. And. Sizes. In. A. Casual. Normalized. Totally. Safe. Way,” she answered, adding that “The world will thank you for it. And so will those children when they grow up.”

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Calling all Parents Opposed to Sexual Ideologies at Schools – Oppose raising the Pride Flag in Ontario Schools
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UPDATE (05/30/23): Major victory as York Catholic District School Board votes against raising LGBT flag

Your committment to this campaign has paid off – please continue circulating the petition far and wide, and read below about our huge victory at YCDSB thanks to people like you.

(LifeSiteNews) – During a May 29 York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) meeting, trustees voted 6-4 against flying the pro-LGBT flag atop of its schools and other buildings in celebration of so-called “Pride Month”, in a move that has been met with pleasant surprise by pro-family advocates.

While the decision brought cheers from the crowd, some angrily shouted in protest and had to be escorted out by YCDSB security.  

“The Cross represents all!” Myles Vosylius, a former student at Cardinal Carter Catholic High School in Aurora, Ontario, tweeted, celebrating the decision.

While the YCDSB represents a victory for faithful Catholics in York region, many Catholic school boards have caved to pressure by LGBT activists and will fly “pride flags” during the month of June. However, increasingly, Ontario parents are fighting back as hundreds of students, reportedly predominantly Muslim, stayed home earlier this month when their schools flew the flag.  

Parents have also begun to speak out against LGBT agenda being promoted to their children in schools. Pro-LGBT trustee for the Waterloo Catholic District School Board (WCDSB) Wendy Ashby recently resigned after over 3,000 parents petitioned for her ousting. 

Similarly, last month, a group of young Canadians protested a school-sponsored drag queen event in front of York Mills Collegiate Institute in Toronto.  

Furthermore, Campaign Life Coalition is calling for parents to keep their children home from school on June 1 to protest schools flying the “pride flag.”

“Parents need to keep up the pressure, just like this, right across the country!” Fonseca encouraged.  


As Catholics, we are taught that we must love our neighbour and treat every individual as a child of God, accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity.

Parents make a clear choice when they decide that their children will attend a Catholic school. They rightly expect that trustees, principals, teachers all partners in education will ensure that Catholic teaching is presented, lived and infused in all that we do. In that regard, the appropriate symbol that represents our faith, and the inclusion and acceptance of others, is the cross, which is visible at the entrance of every Catholic school. It is the primary symbol of our Christian faith.

We have created this petition to express opposition of flying the pride flag at schools for the month of June. Our kids should not be forced to celebrate anyones sexuality, and a flag will do nothing to keep anyone more safe. Its nothing more than a symbol of sexual celebration, completely inappropriate.

Catholicism and parental rights are being threatened, and we will not allow teachers who are LGBTQ to influence our children.

We are not homophobes. We are trying to shield our children from any sexual ideologies, both gay and straight. Children are minors who have a right to a normal and innocent childhood. We are not STAKEHOLDERS. We are parents. EQUITY is not and will never be the same as EQUALITY. Inclusion means EVERYONE and the York Region Catholic District School Board & its Union members are infringing upon our religious beliefs by suffocating our children with woke political agendas & indoctrinations when they should be focusing on educating our kids!

We love all humans equally. Hate is the wrong word to describe parents feelings about the climate in schools today. Parents protesting the pride flag at school do not harbour any negative feelings towards the LGBTQ+ community. We do however feel that their rights seem to supersede everyone elses. We also believe that kids should never learn about sex at school and we condemn any classroom discussion or public display that encourages or promotes gender confusion and same sex lifestyles in a classroom setting. We also strongly condemn the nature of several library books that contain sensitive material on homosexuality and transgender issues in elementary school libraries. Similarly, we harbour no contempt for transgenders as individuals but their insistence on using female-only spaces is invasive.

The promotion of a pride sticker and the likelihood that a flag will go up in June at all schools suggests a particular political agenda, which warrants examination. Concern about alleged incidents of bullying directed at the LGBTQ community within schools has been raised. However when requesting specific information on the actual number of such reports, it was communicated that the data is currently confidential and not publicly available. Despite clarifying that only the number of incidents was desired, the same response was given.

The lack of transparency and information provided by the York Region Catholic District School Board concerning alleged incidents combined with these extreme campaigns using safe space stickers to promote political agendas, raises necessary questions about their motives. Despite facing opposition from relevant individuals, including the Archbishop of Toronto and Cardinal Collins, who have both explicitly expressed their disapproval of such displays, the union and its members have vehemently insisted the stickers remain.

We must stand up against this before the Board caves to the pressure of political correctness and decide to raise the pride flag too.

Please share this. We must get as many signatures as possible before May 20th so that we may present a united front at this months meeting with this petition in hand that will speak for itself and will represent all of us.

Thank you.

Sheree D

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The professor’s shocking comments were a response to a social media post by American college swimmer Riley Gaines. The young athlete has gained significant popularity online for defending women’s sports against the inclusion of men such as William ‘Lia’ Thomas.

According to True North, Thieme had first replied to a post by Gaines in which the latter highlighted the story of a 16-year-old female swimmer who was reportedly “banned from YMCA and kicked off her swim team for opposing a naked male in their locker room.”

In response to the post, Thieme wrote, “Just imagine if the Riley Gaines’ of this society could totally keep their cool at the sight of a trans d***. And just imagine if Riley Gaines’ parents were like, yeah, that happens, it’s okay, now let’s talk about your upcoming training schedule.”

READ: Oklahoma governor signs order banning gender-confused men from female bathrooms, prisons

After Thieme’s disturbing suggestion went viral on social media, Gaines posted her own reply to the professor, calling her “deranged.”

Pro-family activist Jason Jones also chimed in with his thoughts, writing:

Following the backlash, Thieme locked down her account, cutting off people’s ability to see her posts.

While many remain shocked at Thieme’s “parenting” advice, exposing young children to sexual images and concepts in an attempt to “normalize” deviant behavior is a long-standing tactic of proponents of LGBT ideology.

In both Canada and the U.S. it has become commonplace for children to be given access to graphic, and in some cases even pedophilic, books and reading materials in school libraries. Many school systems have even mandated curricula for children as young as five that expose them to ideological concepts like “gender identity” and transgenderism despite parents’ explicit wishes to have such material banned.

Sexually-charged “drag queen” events marketed toward children have also become a trend throughout North America, often funded and hosted by schools or other government-affiliated organizations.

READ: Young man arrested while reading the Bible outside Wisconsin drag show targeting children

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