
‘We are winning’: The populist revolt against the global elite’s depopulation agenda – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) –– In a recent broadcast, American commentator Larry Alex Taunton describes how he uncovered the real meaning of the fine words used to market a global, anti-human agenda.

Taking in the attacks on food security, the destabilization of nations through mass immigration, and the horrific impact of a deliberate program to reduce the human population, Staunton stresses the importance of decoding the innocent sounding phrases used to transmit this inhuman agenda.

He recounts his experience as “a spy at the World Economic Forum” to anti-globalist Scottish political commentator Jim Ferguson, with both men agreeing that “humanity itself is at stake” in a struggle to establish a Godless world system which sees no essential value in human life.

Taunton was struck by the casual manner in which innocent sounding code words for a terrifying global agenda were exchanged at the WEF’s summit in Davos, Switzerland, which he attended.

‘Human beings matter less than policy’

Speaking in the August 8 interview, both men discuss the means by which this agenda is advanced, and the pleasant euphemisms used by this managerial class to describe things that are truly horrific.

“When they talk about ‘sustainability’ – they mean ‘depopulation’,” says Taunton in his introduction, before explaining precisely why this is the case. His remarks recall the observation of George Orwell, who in Politics and the English Language said:

In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible… Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism.

Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.

The mental images conjured by “sustainability” and “the greater good” are pleasant, and pass without objection. The true meaning is unspeakable, and so it is never plainly said.

Sustainable depopulation

Both men calmly and patiently recount their reasons for saying these fine words are contrived to conceal an unutterable evil.

Firstly, both Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum are at the forefront of vaccination and “sustainability” programs, whose dangers become apparent when these terms are matched with evidence.

READ: Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world

Together with the United Nations, the WEF seeks a reduction in human population to a more sustainable number – touted as around two billion. If this seems alarmist, it is important to recall that the 1974  National Security Study Memo 200 – the “Kissinger Report” – recommended that the U.S. government adopt a global population reduction program.

It became a reality the next year, as President Gerald Ford signed National Security Decision 314.

As I reported in January of this year, Kissinger would go on to arrange for the creation of the World Economic Forum – the very type of “international organization” required in the Kissinger Report.

An organization set up by a man whose name is synonymous with the deaths of millions invites the kind of suspicion so delicately expressed by Larry Taunton.

Doesn’t it seem just a little bit odd that the people that we were told to trust concerning the vaccines are the very people who are the most anti-human?

In the case of COVID “vaccines,” Ferguson refers to Dr. Chris Shoemaker’s work in uncovering the alarming rise in myocarditis and the shocking likely death rate attached to the novel mRNA injections.

“Myocarditis was formerly found in one in a million people,” said Ferguson, quoting Shoemaker, “Yet it is now found in one in five” – of the “vaccinated.”

Of these, as Shoemaker argued, half will die within five years of taking the shots. He cited Pfizer’s own documentation of the rollout of the treatments, which saw 100 people die every week over three months. This rollout began almost three years ago, in December 2020.

Ferguson chillingly concluded that as a result, “in the next two years we might see 24 million people die” in Britain alone.

Taunton and Ferguson reminded viewers this was not their finding – but that of Shoemaker, whose claims rely on data published by Pfizer together with a Swiss study finding a “far higher” incidence of myocarditis in “vaccine” recipients than previously imagined.

READ: Dr. Chris Shoemaker explains shocking dangers of DNA strands found in Pfizer, Moderna vaccines

A criminal syndicate

Ferguson turns to the political system, saying he has little faith in British politicians. Corruption goes to the top, he maintains, referring to the extraordinary case of the unelected British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

“It’s like we are being run by a criminal syndicate,” Ferguson said, recalling that the U.K. prime minister had invested “500 million pounds” of his own money in Moderna, whose only current product is an mRNA COVID “vaccine.”

Meanwhile Sunak was reassuring the British people that the injections were “safe and effective,” whilst almost certainly being aware that they would lead to many deaths and injuries.

Oddly, the name of Sunak’s offshore vehicle is “Theleme Partners” – a name whose search returns results for the occultist “religion” of Thelema, founded by infamous satanist Aleister Crowley.

‘Humanity itself is at stake’

Ferguson believes the stakes could not be higher, and though the enemies of humanity are formidable – he is also convinced that when the people wake up to this agenda, they will fight it and they will win.

Pointing to what he calls a sort of “populist uprising,” Ferguson points to events from South America, to Canada and Europe to argue that this moment may not be long in coming.

He mentions the Nuremberg Code inspired protests in Germany, and campaigns such as that of the Canadian Freedom Convoy as examples of a growing trend of informed and organized resistance to the anti-human globalist agenda.

I think that people around the world are sensing that something very sinister is happening around the world and that it is all being orchestrated by a central body like the world economic Forum

If we can mobilize, inform, equip [and] encourage our side we can immobilize them

I think that will make a huge difference for freedom not just in my country or your yours but around the world.

We are winning

Ferguson smiles when he says that “We are winning the narrative war.” He closes the interview with a promise to photograph himself before the statue of William Wallace, whose famous cry of “freedom” was immortalized by Mel Gibson in Braveheart.

These are two who know the odds and whose commitment to the battle is inspiring. We are, as they say, in the midst of an information war with a political idea which sees its own people as an enemy to be pacified and even liquidated.

Cry freedom, and never give up the fight. As Ferguson and Taunton believe, together we can win.

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