
Conservative Party of Canada to debate pro-family, anti-woke policies at next convention: report – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) –– The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) will soon be debating several “anti-woke” policy proposals of notable importance to its social conservative grassroots members, according to a new report. 

On Thursday, conservative media outlet True North reported that some 60 resolutions will be brought forward at the CPC’s upcoming annual convention from September 7 to 9 in Quebec City, with some of the topics up for debate hitting a on a number of hot-button issues including “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) mandates, gender ideology, and medical freedom.

The policy proposals, while non-binding, are submitted via local Electoral District Associations (EDAs) which are made up of party members from across Canada.  

Not all the 60 resolutions will come up for a full debate on the convention floor, as the way the system works is that only the most popular resolutions will go up for voting after being discussed by smaller groups.  

Child grooming and gender ideology  

When it comes to the issue of gender ideology, according to True North, which saw an advanced copy of the resolutions, policies protecting women’s spaces both in sports and jails as well as change rooms will be debated. This policy was sponsored by the Edmonton–Strathcona Electoral District Association (EDA).  

This policy proposal would make it so that the following text will be added to the official party declaration, “The Conservative Party of Canada believes that women are entitled to the safety, dignity, and privacy of single-sex spaces (e.g., prisons, shelters, locker rooms, washrooms) and the benefits of women-only categories (e.g., sports, awards, grants, scholarships).” 

Of important note is that the resolution clearly defines a woman as a “(a) female person.” 

This proposal comes at the same time biological males have been dominating in some women’s sports in Canada. The most recent example is that of “Anne” Andres, a gender-confused biological male who claims to be a woman who set a Canadian powerlifting record. 

Another policy proposal that was brought forth, this time by the North Okanagan—Shuswap EDA, would look to have the CPC place a ban on gender transition surgeries for kids and teenagers. The proposal also encourages “positive mental and physical health support for all Canadians suffering from gender dysphoria and related mental health challenges.” 

“Children cannot understand or consent to transitioning,” reads the policy proposal.  

Regarding “Child Grooming,” a policy proposal from the Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner EDA would mandate that the CPC make it a point to support stronger measures to combat pedophiles and child pornography, sex offenders, and human trafficking. The proposal would have the party put its support behind getting rid of defenses used by some to try and legitimatize “engaging in predatory conduct to prepare a child or young person for sexual activity at a later time (‘grooming’).”  

According to the proposal, the reasoning for bringing it forward is to combat “deliberate moves to make access to children much easier” by leftists to try to have a “new rebranding of pedophiles to ‘minor-attracted person.’”  

A proposal from the Calgary Heritage EDA which will be discussed at the CPC convention will tackle DEI ideology, notably when it comes to certain hiring practices.  

The proposal says that the party should try and “restore merit in Canada’s innovation by directing hiring practices associated with federal research funding away from ideology and instead emphasizing first and foremost, supporting and retaining Canada’s top research talent, irrespective of personal immutable characteristics.” 

There is also another proposal from the Edmonton–Strathcona EDA which looks to stop mandatory DEI training for new employees. 

Medical freedom and free speech  

When it comes to medical freedom, an issue of large significance to many CPC supporters who opposed COVID-era mandates, a new policy proposal from the Thunder Bay—Rainy River Conservative EDA seeks to make it so that the party “affirm Canadians have the freedom and right to refuse vaccines for moral, religious, medical or other reasons.”  

It also calls for the party to “support domestic research, development and production of vaccines, using a variety of traditional and new technologies, including options for vaccines that do not violate religious beliefs or ethical values of Canadians.” 

Regarding free speech, a policy proposal from the Perth—Wellington EDA will bring forth a debate regarding how the CPC supports free speech. It reads that the party should “promote policies and legislation designed to protect freedom of expression (speech) in the public square, including media and internet platforms in accordance with the Charter Of Rights and Freedoms.” It also states that Canadians’ “Rights to create and access content on the internet without government-sanctioned censorship” be safeguarded and that there should be a nullification of “unconstitutional restrictions.” 

Another policy proposal looks to tackle censorship in academia as well as call for a “provincial-federal accord” to do this.  

There will also be a policy proposal that will discuss protecting the vulnerable from doctor-assisted suicide.  

CPC leader Pierre Poilievre has in recent months spoken out against issues that are of importance to the party’s grassroots, such as gender ideology and parental rights.  

Earlier this month, he blasted diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) ideology as “garbage,” and said “I’m never going to do what the UN [United Nations] tells me to do. I’m banning my members from being involved in the WEF.” 

Poilievre has before opposed World Economic Forum (WEF), digital IDs, and central bank digital currencies, and has also defended  parental rights in education, saying “Parents come first.”  

Despite ‘anti-woke’ policy proposals, Poilievre has dismal record on life and family 

Despite Poilievre’s recent statements, which appear to be in favor of parental rights and social conservatism more broadly, the Conservative leader has a track-record which indicates support for both abortion and the LGBT agenda. 

While Poilievre voted against “gay marriage” earlier in his career, he later said he regretted doing so, and since then has seemed to stay away from the issue. 

In 2021, he voted in favor of the Trudeau government’s pro-LGBT “conversion therapy ban,” which critics warn may lead to the criminal prosecution of those who defend Biblical sexual morality, even just to their own children. 

Poilievre has also said his government would “never” reopen the abortion debate in Canada, despite being adopted himself and earlier in his youth and career being known as a solid pro-lifer.   

Disturbing many Canadians, Poilievre in 2021 even voted against a bill that sought to ban sex-selective abortion in Canada.     

It should be noted, however, that while Poilievre himself holds pro-abortion and pro-LGBT positions, some of his MPs have solid pro-life and pro-family views, but have been, at least in recent memory, largely relegated to non-influential positions within the party.   

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