
No shutdown for now: Where Congress goes from here

After being mired in a weeks-long spending battle that seemed inexorably headed for a government shutdown, Congress moved at the 11th hour to pass a 45-day reprieve – demonstrating that a bipartisan majority can still command the power to push back against noisy obstructionists.

Embattled GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy stunned his detractors Saturday by passing the short-term funding measure with votes from a majority of House Republicans, along with nearly all Democrats. The measure includes $16 billion in disaster aid, though not border security provisions or Ukraine aid. That caused Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet – the son of a Polish Jew born just before World War II – to hold up the bill in the Senate until nearly 9 p.m. It passed by 88-9 with three hours to go before the midnight deadline.  

The move gives Congress more time to try to approve a new budget. But as much as the deal brought a collective sigh of relief on Capitol Hill, it does little to resolve the underlying issues that caused the standoff in the House between GOP leadership and renegade conservatives over spending cuts and budget priorities. It also brought to the surface greater dissension over Ukraine aid, once a solidly bipartisan issue. 

Why We Wrote This

Despite its reputation for dysfunction, Congress showed that a bipartisan majority could still come together to push past obstructionists – potentially opening the door to more cooperation.

Still, the ability of Democrats and Republicans to come together to avert a shutdown counteracts at least somewhat the prevailing view that Congress is hopelessly gridlocked. It also suggests that Speaker McCarthy may be a better strategist than assumed. That could signal an opportunity for more bipartisan cooperation ahead, though he’s now indebted to Democrats and may still face significant blowback from the party’s right flank. 

“As a radical pragmatist, I was thrilled to see a bipartisan solution prevent a shutdown that would have been painful for millions of Americans,” says Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, a member of the House Problem Solvers Caucus. “I hope the same spirit leads us to resolution before the 45-day extension ends.”

Giving the budget process more time 

Congress is supposed to develop a budget through 12 parallel appropriation bills in the House and Senate, but often ends up running out of time and cramming the whole budget into a big “omnibus.” Most lawmakers have little time to read it and virtually no opportunity to weigh in. 

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