
A Place at The Table | Dennis Love – Blue Ridge Christian News

A Place at The Table

By Dennis Love

McDowell CountyDennis Love McDowell County

Jesus said in John 14 to His disciples and to us that He was going to prepare a place for us.  He said it this way.  “In My Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”  (John 14:2-3)

So, Jesus told His disciples on an individual basis, and He is telling us, that He has gone “to prepare a place for you.”  Now this doesn’t mean that Jesus was going back to Heaven so that He could begin the process of building Heaven.  It simply means that He was going back into Heaven to prepare a place for you and me in Heaven.  One day there will be a great banquet in Heaven.  In my mind, I picture a grand dining table.  A table not only set for a king but one prepared by a King…the King of Kings.  I can imagine that the silverware is sparkling, and the feast is spread.  I can imagine looking around the table and seeing name tags marking the places of those invited to this grand and eternal feast.

In my mind’s eye, I walk around the table and see names like Moses, David, Jeremiah, Elijah, Peter, James, and John.  Then my eyes come upon a name that brings a great big smile to my face.  It reads…..“Dennis R. Love”.  Then it dawns on me, WOW, He really has gone and prepared a place for little ole me!!

The beautiful thing about this truth is that there is plenty of room at this table.  Invitations have actually gone out to everyone, and the King is more than able to accommodate all who may come.

Unfortunately, not all will RSVP.  Sadly, there will be several empty chairs.  But not mine!  I will be there.  I didn’t ignore my invitation.  I responded before it was too late.  I may not be the first to be seated at this table, but I will be seated.

How about you?  Have you even realized you have been invited?  Well, you are!!  I really hope to see you there.  Please respond to your invitation if you haven’t already done so.  At some point, the doors will be shut, and no more replies will be accepted.  And what a difference it will be for those seated at the table and those who are not.

Don’t forget…..There’s a Place at the Table for You!!  How do I know?  Because He said, “I go to prepare a place for you.”  Respond to your invitation, and I will see you at the table!


Dr. Dennis Love is the Associational Missions Strategist for the Blue Ridge Baptist Association in McDowell County.  Dr. Love has been in full-time ministry work for 31 years.  He and his wife Vicki have been married for almost 42 years, and they have lived in Marion for almost 8 years.  They have two sons, four grandchildren and two step-grandchildren.  He can be reached via email at: [email protected]

Read more of his Christian news articles here


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