
Protestors Celebrate Hamas Spokesman – Intercessors for America

Many protestors claim to support the Palestinian people, but some are actively supporting and even celebrating the Hamas terrorists.

From Breitbart. Pro-Palestinian protesters who marched in downtown Chicago over New Year’s weekend waved a Palestinian flag emblazoned with the image of Abu Obaida, the spokesman for the Hamas terrorist group’s military wing.

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Local Fox affiliate WFLD-32 covered the protest:

Hundreds gathered Sunday afternoon to take part in a pro-Palestine protest in downtown Chicago, calling for justice and a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war. …

Among those calling for a “ceasefire,” there were those who evidently supported war on the side of Hamas:

Abu Obaida (or Obayda, or Obeida) has become a popular figure in the Arab and Muslim world due to his frequent appearances on Al Jazeera and other anti-Israel networks.

A pro-Palestinian admirer noted that he is celebrated for being “the masked man who brings news of victory.” …

Too many Americans, especially the youth, fail to understand God’s love for the Jewish people. Share your prayers for them to understand the truth behind this war, Hamas, and Israel.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Latrach Med Jamil on Unsplash)

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