
Resolute: Hunter Stages Circus at Hearing, His Art Dealer Exposes WH Con, as Fulton County D.A. Paid Boyfriend $654K to Hunt Trump – The Stream

This year our country decides who will sit behind the famous Resolute Desk in the Oval Office come January 20, 2025. At the same time, we must remain resolute as we navigate what will certainly be the most bizarre and perhaps most tumultuous election since 1860.

Hunter stages show during House Contempt Hearing, his art dealer testifies “Ethics agreement? What White House ethics agreement?” While the steamy scandal erupts over Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis hiring her married and unqualified boyfriend to hunt Trump and enjoy the rewards.

We are Resolute …

Hunter Makes Surprise Show at Contempt Hearing … Storms Out. All in One Take

Hunter Biden’s Hollywood friend, Kevin Morris, who’s already given Hunter a $5 million “loan” to help pay off some of his IRS bills, is making a documentary on the First Son. Today, they created a scene at the House Oversight Committee hearing where representatives were debating whether to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress for ignoring a lawful subpoena. Hunter surprisingly showed up in the gallery for the hearing. Oh, not to follow the subpoena and submit to a behind-closed door deposition under oath, of course. But for some daytime drama.

He got a lecture from Rep. Nancy Mace.

He enjoyed listening to Democrats say how awful the Republicans are for picking on the President’s poor son. Then the minute Republican Marjorie Taylor-Greene was set to open her mouth, Biden and his “sugar brother” stormed out of the hearing.

Then because, well, it’s 2024, reporters asked Hunter as he carried on down the hall, collecting b-roll for the documentary, “What kind of crack do you normally smoke, Mr. Biden?”

“And … cut!”

Artful Donations: Hunter Biden’s Art Dealer Exposes Latest White House Lie

While Hunter was doing his latest exhibitionist act … thankfully, with his clothes on this time … real news was breaking about him. Remember how the White House claimed an ethics agreement had been drawn up that would keep Hunter’s art sales above board, with nobody knowing who was purchasing the art? Turns out to be another Biden Administration fiction.

Hunter’s art dealer Georges Berges testified Tuesday before Congress he never saw such an agreement. In fact, most of the buyers turn out to be Biden donors … including the above-mentioned Kevin Morris.

From the highlights of the testimony released by House Oversight Chairman James Comer:

  • Lanette Phillips, a Hollywood video producer who has hosted fundraisers for Joe Biden, introduced Hunter Biden to Georges Bergès.
  • Georges Bergès revealed Kevin Morris purchased most of Hunter Biden’s art for $875,000 in January 2023. However, Kevin Morris only paid Mr. Bergès 40% commission of the $875,000 purchase and Hunter Biden and Kevin Morris figured out the financial implications. Mr. Bergès admitted he has never done an art deal like that before.
  • In 2020, Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali did not buy Hunter Biden’s art despite Georges Bergès best efforts. Within two months of Joe Biden becoming President, in February 2021, Ms. Naftali purchased her first piece of Hunter Biden’s artwork for $42,000. Then in July 2022, President Biden announced Ms. Naftali’s appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad – the same commission that Biden family associate, Eric Schwerin, was appointed to during the Obama-Biden Administration. In December 2022, Hirsh Naftali purchased more of Hunter Biden’s art for $52,000.

Nah, nothing shady going on there.

Here’s my question. If you’re an artist and some guy gave you $5 million to save your bacon from the IRS, would you make them pay for a painting? My other question, a related one at that. Did the Big Guy get a cut from the art sales?

Trump Case in Georgia Takes Reality TV Turn After Allegations D.A. Profited From Affair With Special Prosecutor

I don’t want to say Fulton County is dysfunctional. Let’s just call them the “Jerry Springer Show” of counties. How’s this for a plot? A female D.A. hires her lover as special prosecutor to help carry out her task of nailing a former president for complaining about the fishy election happenings in her county. She pays her married beau $654,000 for that help, even though he has little experience as a prosecutor. He turns around and spends some of that cash on luscious cruises with his sweetheart.

Those are specifically the allegations laid out in a new court filing from Trump co-defendant Michael Roman detailing the cozy and profitable relationship between D.A. Fani Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade. He is asking for the charges against him to be dismissed, and Willis and Wade disqualified from the Trump case.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution spoke to Stephen Gillers, professor emeritus at New York University Law School

If the allegations are true, Gillers said, “Willis was conflicted in the investigation and prosecution of this case” and wasn’t able to bring the sort of “independent professional judgment” her position requires.

“That does not mean that her decisions were in fact improperly motivated,” Gillers said in an e-mail. “It does mean that the public and the state, as her client, could not have the confidence in the independent judgment that her position required her to exercise.”

Whether Ward and Willis were in bed, literally and figuratively, to get Trump is one thing. But Gateway Pundit notes that special prosecutor Ward does appear to be in bed with the White House in pursuing Trump. He met twice with Biden’s White House Counsel before the RICO charges against Trump and his co-defendants were announced.

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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