
Inside the rise of an Israeli faction seeking to provoke Armageddon – LifeSite

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

Note from LifeSiteNews President Steve Jalsevac: The views expressed in this November 21, 2023, article are those of Frank Wright, from his substack page and should not be considered to represent the views of LifeSiteNews, especially as related to Ron DeSantis. LifeSiteNews is reprinting it to allow consideration of what is said to be critical information not reported in most Western media. Most of our other trusted sources have also referred to this extraordinary history as being needed to fully understand the grave dangers that current military actions pose to Israel itself, Palestinians, the entire Middle East, the U.S., its military, and the world. As always, we emphasize that LifeSiteNews in no way supports Hamas violence or antisemitism. We accept the right of the Israeli government to protect its citizens and attempt to bring to justice the Hamas militants who brutally destroyed the lives of what are now estimated to have been anywhere from 800 to 1200 innocent Israeli civilians in addition to hundreds of IDF soldiers on October 7.

LifeSiteNews, along with millions of others, is intensely committed to encouraging peace negotiations and the saving of the lives of all innocents. Our belief is that war usually only leads to more war and deaths and is rarely ever the best solution to ongoing conflicts as we have seen from every military conflict the US has been involved in since the Vietnam war, causing millions of civilian deaths and trillions of wasted dollars. We are pro-life. No one, whether Israeli Jews, Palestinians, Ukrainians, Russians, Muslims or Christians, should be demonized and promoted as being “sub-human” to justify devastation and mass-slaughter of their women, children, and other innocents.

(Frank Wright) — I’ve seen some crazy things in my time – but nothing comes close to the apocalyptic cult whose actions and terrifying influence are our subject today.

I have written before on the strategy of escalation, which is the aim of all the factions of war in the current crisis in Israel.

READ: Israel dismisses US condemnation of calls to expel Palestinians to Europe

By escalation each side hopes to mobilize its allies to engage in a widening conflict.

You can read more about the strategy of escalation here.

Why would this strategy be pursued, when if successful it would almost certainly result in a nuclear war?

Today you will learn that the strategy for one significant faction is not limited to escalation, nor even to the ignition of a conflict which cannot be contained.

It is a strategy whose goal is to spark the end of the world.

It is the strategy of a faction which sponsors “right wing” online influencers as well as funding U.S. presidential campaigns and leading U.S. politicians.

This is the story of the Kahanists and the people they fund to promote Project Armageddon.

Al-Aqsa and Armageddon

The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the site of the Al-Aqsa mosque. This is the third holiest site in Sunni Islam. It is built on the site of the Second Temple, destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D.

It is believed by religious Jews that a third temple must be built before the coming of the Jewish Messiah.

In addition, many Christian Zionists believe that building this third temple will usher in the return of Christ.

This would require the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque, which would unite the Islamic world in outrage and certainly lead to a major war with a nuclear dimension.

If you would like to know more about the nuclear threat in Israel, see here.

The current national security minister of Israel, Itamar Ben-Gvir, leads a party dedicated to this goal.

He has led his Otzma Yehudit (“Jewish Power”) party and his supporters in repeated incursions into the Al-Aqsa compound, against the advice of the head of the Israeli Security Service (Shin Bet).

Benjamin Netanyahu relies on Ben-Gvir’s support to keep his coalition in power, and to postpone his own criminal prosecution on corruption charges.

Ben-Gvir is an admirer of Rabbi Meir Kahane, and his party is the direct descendant of Kahane’s own party.

Rabbi Meir Kahane was dedicated to two goals: the permanent removal of the Palestinians from Israel, and the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque.

The attacks launched on October 7 by Hamas were named “Operation Aqsa Flood” – a direct response to the threat to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque.

This is the story of the Kahanists, and their terrifying rise from a minority faction to the corridors of power – in Israel and in the U.S.

Owning the Libs

The “new right” online is celebrated by many for its war on the woke. Attacking the crazy ideas of the Left with “facts and logic” is known as “owning the Libs”.

People like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Jordan Peterson and others are famous for this stock-in-trade. If they sock it to the blue-hairs, why does it matter who backs them?

The answer is simple. They are funded by lunatics whose delusions demand the provocation of armageddon. This is the reason they all support the insane policies of the current Israeli government.

READ: Jerusalem’s Cardinal Pizzaballa calls for ‘conversion’ to attain regional peace in New Year’s homily

In part two I will examine the ownership of these people who “own the libs” for a living.

I will show how and why their “war on woke” routine has segued into unlimited support for Israeli atrocities – and why they encourage the strategy of escalation.

I know this sounds a bit strong, but there is really no way to overstate how dangerously insane are the people I reveal to you today.

Beware. In today’s review reality gets zero stars – and is maximum not-lol.

Preaching Armageddon

Anyone who does not “stand with Israel” is an anti-semite. This presumably includes the 60 percent of Israelis reported by Foreign Affairs magazine who want Netanyahu to resign.

This also presumably includes the former head of MOSSAD, the former IDF chief, two former Israeli prime ministers, and the current head of Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic security service.

All these people have condemned Netanyahu and his insane coterie of religious national extremists, whose plan to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque sparked the Hamas operation Aqsa Flood of October 7.

Many of the abovenamed officials predicted this.

None mentioned that Christian Zionist groups in the U.S. openly demand the destruction of the Al-Aqsa mosque, as they believe that rebuilding the third temple in its place will make Jesus come back.

Most Zionists are in fact not Jews – there are an estimated 30 million Christian Zionists in the USA.

As you will see, many of them seek to provoke Armageddon so Jesus will come back.

READ: How do Christians in the Holy Land understand the Israeli occupation of Palestine?

This is not limited to preachers such as Baptist Pastor Greg Locke, who called last month for the Al-Aqsa mosque to be destroyed for this reason.

He also said he wanted Gaza to “be a parking lot by next month.”

At 13:10 he says:

Get a great big missile and blow that wicked Dome of the Rock plum off of the spot where its standing right now…


There are many pastors like Locke, and the utterly cuckoo Wilks brothers who fund Dennis Prager, the Daily Wire, and by extension Jordan Peterson.

Yet Project Armageddon has more friends – and in higher places – than these.

Armageddon in the House

Project Armageddon is also supported by many U.S. Republicans including Ron DeSantis, David “asking for evidence is Holocaust denial” Friedman and various U.S. congressmen.

Of course, Ben Shapiro himself has spoken in favour of Kahanist aims.

As Jewish Currents reported in October 2022:

At an event with right-wing pundit Ben Shapiro, Trump’s former ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, appeared to take a harder line.

When Shapiro told the audience that Jews should ‘build a [synagogue] on Har HaBayit’ – the Hebrew name for the Temple Mount – Friedman signaled his support of the idea, responding,

‘I said that once and I started a riot when I was ambassador, so I’m not going to say it again.’ [Emphasis added]

To destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque would provoke a regional war which Israel could not hope to win. Nor could the U.S. Nor could anyone, really, as it is certain to escalate to a nuclear exchange.

All’s well that ends the world

Nuclear Armageddon is actually the plan of many people in the Israeli and U.S. governments.

This is obviously insane, but it is the case. The Temple Movement is a lobbying group which has become extremely influential in the U.S. over the last 13 years. According to Jewish Currents:

The Temple Movement’s influence – once largely limited to the most extreme settler groups in Hebron and Jerusalem – has been on the rise since 2010, the same year that U.S. voters gave the GOP control over the House of Representatives.

Since then, Republicans traveling in Israel/Palestine have repeatedly visited Al-Aqsa with Temple Movement escorts.

This is an organization which pushes Kahanism.

In all, more than 40 Republicans – including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows, and, following his time in office, former Vice President Mike Pence – have met with Kahanists since 2011

What is Kahanism? It is a “Jewish fascist movement” founded by a New York rabbi.

The Temple Movement… has its roots in Kahanism, the Jewish fascist movement founded by Brooklyn-born rabbi Meir Kahane in the 1960s.

Kahane moved his project to Israel, where it was banned.

In the early ’70s, Kahane created an Israeli political party, Kach, which led a transnational campaign of violence in an effort to provoke the voluntary and forced transfer of Palestinians from Israel/Palestine, and advocated for the establishment of a theocratic ethnostate.

Yet is has returned in force. As Jewish Currents reported, there is a new Jewish fascist party, and the movement is at its all-time peak:

A new Kahanist party, Otzma Yehudit, has also taken Kach’s place in the Knesset. ‘The Kahanist movement is far from being dead in Israel,’ said Aviv Tatarsky, a researcher with Ir Amim, which monitors human rights violations in Jerusalem.

‘It’s the strongest it ever was.’

So why does this religious-ethnic extremism matter?

The Armageddon faction

The aim of Kahanists is to provoke Armageddon. Per Jewish Currents:

The Temple Movement’s efforts are aimed at accomplishing a single, symbolically important piece of the Kahanist project: Its various organizations seek, per movement founder Yisrael Ariel, to ‘flatten’ Al-Aqsa, the hilltop mosque and compound in Jerusalem’s Old City that is home to Islam’s third-holiest site.

The influence of Kahanism on U.S. foreign policy dates back to the Obama administration, which aimed to destroy the two-state solution:

A senior official who served under President Obama and requested anonymity to speak candidly about sensitive foreign policy issues told Jewish Currents that Republicans with ties to the Temple Movement represented a growing faction within the party that was ‘actively trying to cultivate a different approach to what had been a real bipartisan consensus [on Israel/Palestine] for many decades: a negotiated two-state solution.’ [Emphasis added]

The parallels to the present day are obvious.

Their approach would withdraw support for a Palestinian state, endorse Israeli annexation of the West Bank, and advocate ceding total control of all holy sites to Israel.

So entrenched were the Kahanists that their aims represented a ‘shadow U.S. foreign policy.’

READ: The US has lost all control as the Middle East slides deeper into war

During the Obama years, GOP efforts in support of these aims amounted to a shadow foreign policy that directly challenged the executive branch’s goals.

This policy emerged from the shadows under Donald Trump.

Under Trump, David Friedman gave this faction official sanction by joining GOP congressmen when they traveled on junkets to Israel/Palestine funded by Christian Zionist groups, meeting Kahanists and Israeli cabinet members in turn.

David Friedman was the former U.S. ambassador to Israel.

Here he is on November 15 claiming that the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza was an arms dump for Hamas.

When he is asked whether there is any evidence for his claims (there isn’t) he frames this request as “holocaust denial.”

David Friedman was one of Trump’s most trusted foreign policy advisers and remains close to Trump to this day.

This is not the only Kahanist behind Donald Trump.

Buying the bosses

Trump’s campaigns were funded by his top donor, the late Sheldon Adelson, a lifelong opponent of the two-state solution who demanded the U.S. “nuke Iran.”

Adelson was condemned in 2019 in the Israeli press for his support, through his Zionist Organization of America, for Netanyahu.

Why was this so controversial? Netanyahu had publicly embraced the Kahanist party, Otzma Yehudit. Adelson was seeking to defend Netanyahu, who he had also backed and helped into power as well as Trump.

What is the point of voting? Well, Adelson is dead, Trump is truly independent and DeSantis is not.

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Led by Zionist neocon William Kristol, many donors from Republican Zionist circles are abandoning Trump for DeSantis.

DeSantis’ wealthiest donor has switched his allegiance to Trump. Unlike Trump, DeSantis does not have $3.5 billion of his own.

And unlike Trump, he is also going to lose. If you are an American, hold Trump’s feet to the fire over his lunatic friends, and their insatiable appetite for the world’s end.

The Minister for Armageddon

Otzma Yehudit means “Jewish Power.” It is the direct descendant of the “Kach” party founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane.

Its leader is Itamar Ben-Gvir. Described by the Times of Israel as a “Kahane disciple,” he is now the National Security Minister of Israel.

The fate of Israel, and by extension that of the world, is largely in the hands of a man whose personal ambition is to spark Armageddon.

He is joined by the people who fund your bad friends on the “right” in a project to end the world.

This is a plan so preposterous it would be rejected as a script for a children’s cartoon.

Yet this deranged fantasy is the subtext of the events which some wish to escalate to the end of the world.

The claims about the Al-Shifa hospital being a Hamas arms dump were made to justify its bombing by Israel. A BBC report cast doubt on these Israeli claims, which were investigated here by Max Blumenthal.

Remarkably, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said on live television that the tunnels and bunkers under the Al-Shifa hospital were built by Israel, and not by Hamas as repeatedly claimed in Israeli propaganda.

Reprinted with permission from Frank Wright.

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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