
5 Sneaky Idols Destroying Dating Today

Within dating, there have been many idols to sneak onto the scene. While we would imagine dating to be mainly positive, sometimes it is not.

One has to look at the person’s motives and their heart. When this becomes disordered, we can encounter many problems, including idols entering the dating scene.

For most people who have been on the dating scene, they are already aware of the challenges to be faced. Sadly, even amongst Christians, there are individuals who are not looking for long-term relationships.

Instead, they are looking for casual relationships or for short-term relationships. While not all relationships will lead to marriage, they should be conducted in a way that marriage should be the end goal.

Christians should not “date around” for fun, nor should they play with someone’s emotions if they have no intention on spending their life with them.

With this being said, there are also other idols that have come onto the dating scene that should not be overlooked. If a person overlooks or ignores these idols, they will be doing a great disservice to themselves.

Many Christians believe idols could only sneak into secular dating, but there are also idols sneaking into Christian dating.

In fact, it could be argued that there are even more sneaky idols coming into the Christian dating scene due to what is being observed in the modern dating world. If you are someone who is currently dating or thinking about starting to date, you need to be aware of these idols.

Dating is hard enough without these issues; however, it would be wise not to ignore them. These idols have the capacity to destroy dating today, which can be understood as an attack by the enemy.

Although dating was not a thing during biblical times, it is a huge part of the lives of Christians today.

Two individual Christians have to date each other before they decide to get married and honor the Lord with their marriage.

The devil wants to thwart this and cause problems in any way he can. One of these ways is to destroy the dating scene.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes

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