
Babies are God’s proof the world should go on. That’s why the unborn should have an ambassador – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – Now in the season of Epiphany, we might pause to reflect on the journey of an ancient archetype transnational elite. They are the Magi, the Kings of the East, directed, we are told in the Gospel of Matthew, by heavenly angels. These Magi served as guardians of Baby Jesus and the Holy Family as they worked against the genocidal plans of King Herod. (We might note the name “Herod” is a pillar of a multi-generational dynasty.)

Just over 2,000 years later, not much has changed, it seems. Since 1973, over a billion babies have been torn apart and poisoned in the womb. Check out the national and global real-time abortion clock right here. And while you’re at it, check out the real-time US national debt clock here.

We have national and transnational elites of allegedly high pedigree claiming killing your baby is a right. This “right” embodies postmodern, highly contested notions of morality as the elites offer mankind conflicting visions of the world. For example, Yuval Noah Harari influences the WEF. The New Yorker published a piece on him. Read it here. Mr. Harari believes we don’t need most of the world’s people. He points to video games and drugs as ways to keep the masses occupied and distracted.

TV’s The X-Files captured the essence of this sleight of hand in one of the most powerful episodes in television history: “We give them happiness, they give us authority … Men can never be free because they are weak, corrupt, worthless, and restless … The people believe in authority,” says the infamous Cigarette Smoking Man. “They have grown tired of waiting for miracle and mystery. Science is their religion. No greater explanation exists for them. They must never believe any differently if the project is to go forward …” Watch it here.

In Harari’s world, the masses have no master plan for their lives, no God, no direction, no truth as articulated in the erstwhile Holy Bible, no guardian angels. Mankind’s existence is a cruel joke – an absurd journey from apes to AI.

Yet other voices offer hope to rise above what Pope John Paul II called “the culture of death.” Elon Musk is one such voice. He believes there are not enough people in the world, as reported by the USA Today in this article. Jeff Bezos echoes similar sentiments. Is there room for more people? If you lined up every person in the world in military formation, they could all fit inside the state of Arkansas. Others claim we could fit the entire world’s population into New York City.

Elon Musk also says the unborn have no voice. Shouldn’t they have one? Giving the unborn a voice at the UN could be a turning point in human history. Imagine the debates!

The calculus of the elites is at its apex. The COP27 maps out our new future. Yet their transhumanist plans and vision for the future of mankind is not secure. None of us voted for the WEF. Do they speak for humanity or rather for a post-human future where the elites sit at the top of the global pyramid forever?

No doubt many Americans wish to deflect the future these elites are marketing to us. This can be done by rediscovering our humanity – both within our souls and through newfound respect for our bodily clay – formed we are told from the dust of the Earth by God Almighty.

I once knew a woman who was tall, slim, and looked like the Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson. She was smart, fun, and talented. In retrospect, the thing I loved most about her is how she once told me, “Anthony, babies are God’s proof that the world should go on.” How do we manifest that proof?

Elon Musk is indeed correct – the unborn do not have a voice. But we can give them their voice. We can write to our Senators and Congressmen and ask that a Bill be written in Congress to establish a de facto Ambassador-at-Large for the Unborn. (There’s always an Executive Order as presented here by SNL. And since US Presidents nominate Ambassadors, this might be yet another place to begin this whole process.)

This person would serve in a capacity similar to Sam Brownback as the Ambassador-at-Large for Religious Freedom. Theoretically, they could even be a male and female team of two co-Ambassadors. Two witnesses as it were, seeking just laws for all stakeholders – especially the unborn. Is there room at the UN for this role?

CBS News says the UN has expressed interest in appointing an Ambassador to Aliens from outer space. Read about it here. We are told that microbes and chemicals on distant moons are a “sign of life.” Read one example here. But the beating heart of an unborn baby, we’re also told, is not a sign of life. Mankind can have an Ambassador at the UN for aliens that may or may not exit – but not for the unborn. Really?

This new Ambassador will speak for the world’s unborn babies. But this person could also speak on a wide range of issues like transhumanism and frozen embryos. If the latter have souls, don’t they also have a destiny and a voice that should be heard? If the US were to create this position, other nations would follow suit. No doubt, empowering the voices of the unborn will anger many. It will be interesting to see who opposes this measure of fetal empowerment and their reasons for doing so.

How will we pay for these new babies? We may have to cancel a few aircraft carrier groups. Do we really need 13 of them? We could make having and raising babies a national and global priority. When I visited Cuba, I was told by a Cuban woman that the best country in the world would be the nation that gives the most people the best chance to go to heaven. It is an interesting concept to say the least.

The best nation in the world might also protect the innocent and most vulnerable instead of murdering them in the womb, where they feel intense pain, scream their “silent scream,” and all too often wind up as dismembered specimens for biological research. (Check out the University of Pittsburgh probe. Yikes!)

To reorient mankind back towards normalcy, we need to amplify voices telling us we should still fall in love and have babies. We should be happy and enjoying life, nature, beauty, the stars, foods, athletics, and the fruit of our labors.

We keep hearing how our world is a failure and that the old order needs to be replaced. But our Earth is resilient, and so are the people who live on this planet. Consider we throw away enough food every day to feed uncountable people. Argentina, if farmed properly, could probably feed the world on its own.

RELATED: Elon Musk says ‘the unborn have no voice’ in response to Jane Goodall’s pro-population control video

We should be looking to the stars, like the Magi, instead of at our iPhones.

As an aside, it will be interesting to see the kind of support this idea might garner from the Islamic world, in sub-Saharan Africa, at the Vatican, and from Catholics and Evangelicals around the world – especially in Central and South America. Imagine Ambassadors for the Unborn from each nation on Earth gathering to discuss salient issues.

Opposing the postmodern King Herods and the culture of death involves shining the light of love and choosing to hold life as sacred. This is the basis of one of our nation’s key founding documents – the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If the frozen embryos locked away inside the laboratory could talk, what would they say to us? What would they say while speaking at the United Nations General Assembly?

Perhaps during this holy season, we’ll come to understand the Magi still have much to teach us about looking to the stars as we chart a new path to a better future. Perhaps the Three Wise Men (and Joseph, the husband of Mary and the Father of Jesus) were the very first Ambassadors-at-Large for the Unborn.

Every Christmas Eve, we are reminded that there are billions of people around the world who have not grown tired of waiting for miracle and mystery. Science is not their religion. A greater explanation exists for them, and they will continue to look for the answers to their questions together as people of faith. They will always believe differently, and that’s why the project of the transnational elites – while it may go forward for a time – ultimately will not succeed.

In the end, each person on Earth is free to choose what to believe and whom and what they will serve. I choose to believe that woman who looks like Scarlett Johansson was right: “Babies are proof that God wants the world to go on.”

Remember that Wise Men (and Women) still seek Him. Happy Epiphanytide!

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