
Cdl. Fernández says Pope Francis knew about his orgasms book before making him doctrine chief – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis knew about Cardinal Fernandez’s X-rated theology book before appointing him to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.

In an interview with the online Spanish-language newspaper Religión Digital published today, Cardinal Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernandez said that he had warned his fellow Argentinian that there would be trouble about his 1998 work The Mystical Passion the second time he was offered the doctrine chief post.

“When the pope offered me this seat for the second time, I told him this would occur, but he was already clear about that and knew the book as well,” the cardinal said. “It happens that in one instance years ago I was already accused because of this book, and I wasn’t sanctioned by Rome for it. And they investigated me long and wide.”

Fernandez suggested that critics, whom he did not name, were just waiting for a difficult issue to come up, so that they could dig up “old things like this book” to use against him.

“I had foreseen it and knew that in controversial subjects they would use old things like that one book. They had only waited for a proper opportunity.”

The cardinal then insisted on adding that the work had stemmed from a study on male and female orgasm that he had done with a group of married couples. He alleged that both Pope St. John Paul II and St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179) had done something similar.

“This book calls for attention because of research on male and female orgasm, which I had done in a group of married couples,” he said. “But something similar had been done by people greater and wiser than me: Saint John Paul II and the holy abbess and Doctor of the Church Hildegard of Bingen.”

He then purported to quote St. Hildegard on male and female sexual response.

“The truth is that this saint was more detail oriented and concrete than me,” he added. “It’s just that my research with the married couples was to discover if the differences had any influence on their relationship with God. Why the holy abbess did it, I have no idea.”

The now-prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF, formerly the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith or CDF) said that he had discussed the criticisms he has recently received with the pontiff and that Francis “sees them as purifications from God to enable us to carry out better and with more humility the task that the Lord entrusts to us.”

During the interview, Cardinal Fernandez indicated that he would not be in the news “in [the] future.”

“We are preparing a very important document on human dignity which includes not only social issues, but also a strong critique of moral issues such as sex change, surrogacy, gender ideologies, etc. In this sense, the most concerned people will be able to rest easy,” he said.

The furor caused by the December 18, 2023 release of the DDF Declaration Fiducia Supplicans, which permits the “non-liturgical” blessing of irregular and same-sex couples, was exacerbated earlier this week when the existence of Fernandez’s recalled work came to light. The most controversial part of the book seems to be Chapter 6, where Fernandez purported to describe the sexual fantasy of a 16-year-old involving Our Lord Jesus Christ and the acquiescence of His Blessed Mother. Chapters 7, 8, and 9 have also been selected as containing notably offensive material, and are respectively entitled: “Male and female orgasms,” “The road to orgasm,” and “GOD in the couple’s orgasm.”


Cdl. Fernández’s book on orgasms contains disturbing chapter about teen girl’s erotic fantasy with Christ

Scandalous book on orgasms surfaces from Cardinal Fernández

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