
US, UK Launch Massive Strike on Red Sea Shipping Terrorists in Yemen

JERUSALEM, Israel – The U.S. and the U.K., along with the support of four other nations, launched a massive retaliatory strike against the Houthis in Yemen. The strike comes after weeks of attacks on shipping in the Red Sea by the Iranian-backed group.

Now the Houthi terrorists are vowing fierce retaliation against America and Britain. 

President Biden authorized the strikes that hit at least 16 military sites in Yemen. Since November 19th, the Houthis have hit ships from 40 different countries. 

National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby stated, “These attacks against vessels in the Red Sea pose a direct threat to the lives, to freedom of navigation and to global trade, and one of the world’s most critical waterways.”

The Houthi attacks have had a major impact on global trade since some estimate around 15 percent of world trade flows through the Red Sea.

Speaking in Bahrain, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken noted, “What’s happened because of these Houthi attacks against commercial shipping is that thousands of ships have had to divert, take longer routes, pay more for insurance, and that gets translated into higher prices for people, for everything from fuel to medicine to food.”

On Thursday, the U.N. Security Council condemned “in the strongest terms,” the Houthi attacks. The attacks come as Israel is keeping up its assault on Hamas in Gaza, but is facing criticism from some in the U.S.

While Yemen was the target, there is widespread belief Iran is the mastermind behind the weeks of Houthi aggression – part of Tehran’s plan to use its proxies in the region to destroy the Jewish state. 

The attacks come as Israel is keeping up its assault on Hamas in Gaza, but facing criticism from some in the U.S.

On Capitol Hill, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced a resolution to cut aid to Israel. The Senate is scheduled to vote this Tuesday on a bill that would require the State Department to report every 30 days on alleged Israeli human rights violations. Should the law pass and the State Department fail to issue a report, aid to Israel would be cut.

And at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Israel is presenting its case Friday after South Africa put forward its argument that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza – yet one more front facing Israel during its darkest hour since the Holocaust. 

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