
Biden Admin’s Newly Proposed Policy Cancels Christian Parents, Experts Say

A proposed Biden administration policy change may prevent foster children from being placed in the homes of Christians.

The new rule would disallow the placement of children into the homes of foster parents who oppose the transgender agenda and LGBTQ ideologies.

The policy was announced by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in September and requires caregivers to undergo cultural competency training to ensure that minors are placed in homes accepting of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“This is a historic package that underlines the Biden-Harris Administration’s steadfast commitment to putting children’s well-being first,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra in a statement. “The Administration is providing vital resources to remove barriers for child welfare agencies to provide supports necessary to accomplish that mission.”

Several Republicans have introduced legislation to oppose the proposed rule. 

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Last month, U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) and U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) introduced the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion Act to protect faith-based agencies holding onto their religious beliefs.

“Faith-based organizations have always played an extraordinary role in caring for our nation’s most vulnerable children. Millions of Americans are better off today because of their noble work,” Rep. Kelly said. “Since coming into office, President Biden has discriminated against these faith-based providers because of their deeply held religious beliefs. I’m proud to work with Senator Tim Scott on this commonsense legislation to protect faith-based organizations who are simply seeking a level playing field to help those in need.”

“Faith-based foster care organizations have provided reliable, effective resources to countless families and children with nowhere else to go,” said Sen. Scott. “Despite their success, President Biden has caved to the far-left, making it harder for these organizations to provide critical services and leaving the kids who need them most out in the cold. I’m fighting back to protect religious freedom and support the incredible work of these invaluable organizations.” 

U.S. Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) introduced a similar bill last month called the Sensible Adoption For Every Home Act. He told Fox News the Biden administration’s policy “is just plain wrong, and every sane person knows it.”

Meanwhile, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey says the Biden policy amounts to religion-based discrimination and violates freedom of speech, Missouri Independent reported.

“As a foster parent myself,” Bailey said in a November statement, “I am deeply invested in protecting children and putting their best interests first.”

“Biden’s proposed rule does exactly the opposite by enacting policies meant to exclude people with deeply held religious beliefs from being foster parents,” he continued. 

The American Family Association’s Jameson Taylor told CBN News the proposed change is far-reaching and it’s about more than just foster care. 

“This bill will drive Christians out of the foster care system,” Taylor explained. “But this is not just about foster care.”

“What the Biden administration is saying is that if you are a Christian parent or a Christian foster care provider that you are not providing a safe environment for kids. What they mean is that you are providing a dangerous environment for kids. And when kids are in danger that’s defined as abuse,” he furthered. 

“They are beginning to define Christian parents,” Taylor continued. “This is about replacing parents, terminating parental rights, and replacing parents with the government.”

“We are well beyond a slippery slope,” he warned. 

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