
BREAKING: Zelensky calls for direct military intervention of European nations in Ukraine at WEF Davos meeting – LifeSite

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DAVOS, Switzerland (LifeSiteNews) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for direct military intervention of European nations in Ukraine at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos.

In his special address, Zelensky said regarding the Russia-Ukraine war: “If anyone thinks this is only about us, this is only about Ukraine, they are fundamentally mistaken.”

“Possible directions and even timeline[s] of new Russian aggression beyond Ukraine become more and more obvious,” he continued.

“Let me ask very honestly: Which European nation today can provide a combat-ready army on par with ours, holding back Russia?”

“And how many men and women are your nations ready to send to defend another state, another nation?”

“And if one must fight against Putin in the years ahead, isn’t it better to put an end to him and his war strategy now while our brave men and women are already doing it?”

Zelensky, who appeared in his trademark semi-uniform, wearing the national coat of arms of Ukraine on his sweater, claimed that if other nations supported Ukraine, it would shorten the war.

“Every reduction in pressure on the aggressor [Russia] adds years to the war, but every investment in the confidence of the defender [Ukraine] shortens the war,” Zelensky insisted.

“The war will end with a just and stable peace, and I want you to be part of this peace, starting from right now, to bring the peace closer,” he continued. “And we need you in Ukraine to build, to reconstruct, to restore our lives.”

“Each of you can be even more successful with Ukraine!”

Zelensky’s speech featured aggressive language against Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Ukrainian president called his geopolitical enemy a “terrorist,” and he wished that not even Putin’s children and grandchildren should have rest in this world or the afterlife.

In an interview with WEF President Borge Brende following his address, Zelensky said there would be no forgiveness towards Putin.

“To rest in this world or the other world, neither he [Putin] nor his children or grandchildren will have safe rest,” the Ukrainian president said.

Klaus Schwab praises Zelensky for defending ‘liberal democracy’

WEF founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab applauded Zelenskyy during the introduction of the Ukrainian president’s talk for defending the values of “the international system” and “liberal democracy.”

“We are deeply grateful to you and the Ukrainian people for defending the values which are at the core of the international Systems and at the heart of liberal democracy,” Schwab stated.

“In 2020, Ukraine was granted E.U. candidate status, and just last month, formal accession negotiations began,” he continued. “There is no question that Ukraine remains firmly on the path of European integration as a result of you and your government’s policies.”

While Schwab praised Zelensky for upholding “liberal democracy,” the Ukrainian government was sharply criticized by the United Nations and other organizations for targeting the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) with unjustified discrimination, seizing church property, and evicting monks from monasteries due to their alleged connection to the Patriarchate of Moscow, even though the UOC had declared its independence from Moscow following the invasion of Russia into Ukraine.

Moreover, the Chilean-American filmmaker and Zelenskyy critic Gonzalo Lira was arrested in Ukraine for his reporting and for “justifying Russian aggression against Ukraine.” Lira recently died in a Ukrainian prison under mysterious circumstances.

Zelensky has made many questionable personnel choices, including asking occult artist Marina Abramović to be ambassador for Ukraine or appointing a gender-confused man as a foreign language spokesperson for Ukraine’s army.

READ: A closer look at Zelensky’s curious rise to power as president of Ukraine

Tell Congress to stop the Biden administration from funding wars in Ukraine and Israel

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