
Most Americans Believe COVID-19 Vaccines Linked to Mysterious Deaths – American Faith

A new Rasmussen survey found that 53% of Americans believe the COVID-19 vaccines are linked to mysterious deaths across the United States.

Thirty percent of respondents said it is “very likely” that mRNA vaccines are to blame for deaths.

The finding is 4% higher than last year’s survey.

Almost a quarter (24%) of Americans also reported knowing someone who died from the vaccine.

More than half (54%) of respondents also believe there are reasons to be concerned about the safety of the vaccine.

Among those, 69% were Republican, 37% were Democrat, and 54% were unaffiliated with the leading political parties.

In another Rasmussen survey, 42% percent of respondents said that “if there was a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects, they would be likely to join the lawsuit, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely they’d join such a lawsuit.”

Almost half of poll respondents (47%) said they are not likely to join a class-action lawsuit.

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