
Canadian woman offered euthanasia after doctor acknowledged she was paralyzed by COVID shot – LifeSite

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop expanding assisted suicide

ONTARIO (LifeSiteNews) — Canadian doctors offered to euthanize a women left paralyzed by the experimental COVID jab.

According to a February 16 report by The Canadian Independent, Kayla Pollock, a 37-year-old mother from Ontario, was left paralyzed from the neck down after receiving a COVID booster shot, only to be offered assisted suicide.

Before taking the experimental shot, Pollock worked in the small town of Mount Albert, Ontario, as a teacher and co-raised her son after a separation with his father. Pollock described herself as “fit, healthy, and very active” and enjoyed “hiking, being outdoors, gardening, and going places with her son.”

In 2021, Pollock, being immunocompromised and a type one diabetic, received two doses of the Pfizer jab after hearing mainstream media, politicians, and public health officials urge everyone to take the experimental shots.

Another reason that Pollock took the injection was to visit her father in a long-term care facility. Pollock said she did not feel any adverse effects after her first two shots.

However, in January 2022, Pollock took a Moderna booster shot, as she thought a third dose would soon be mandated to visit her father. Pollock recalled seeing police at the vaccine clinic and was told that it was because “people were upset that Moderna was being given out instead of Pfizer,” which nevertheless causes serious adverse reactions as well.

READ: Study finds heart inflammation risk 133x greater for teenage boys after Pfizer’s COVID shot

Despite her concerns, Pollock went ahead with the injection, only to begin to experience severe side effects. Just four days later, she collapsed after her legs “gave out.” She was able to get up a short time after but experienced the same thing nine days later. Pollock then called her doctor, looking to see a neurologist.

However, the effects only worsened until, on February 22, 2022, Pollock woke up and realized that she was completely paralyzed and could not move her body. Her boyfriend was home and called 911. She was then transported to Southlake Regional Health Centre in Newmarket, Ontario.

According to her medical records, the hospital staff considered Pollock a “crazy person,” dismissing her symptoms and claiming it was all in her head. Instead of treating Pollock, they ordered a psychiatric consult.

Finally, Pollock was given an MRI, which revealed that she had a very large lesion on her spinal cord. According to an audio recording taken by Pollock’s boyfriend, the neurologist said that his “gut impression” was that “it was caused by the vaccine,” adding that many people have had similar conditions.

Pollock was later diagnosed with transverse myelitis, a condition that interrupts the transmission of messages along the spinal cord nerves throughout the body. During her several-month stay at the hospital, Pollock revealed that doctors offered her so-called “Medical Assistance in Dying” (MAID), or euthanasia, twice, but she refused both times.

While Pollock was sent to Lyndhurst Rehabilitation Centre in Toronto to undergo several months of intensive rehabilitation, she said that it did not help her condition.

Now, Pollock relies on personal support workers and friends to help her with her daily life, including helping her in and out of bed and preparing her meals.

She was forced to leave her job and her son, as she was placed on provincial disability and had to leave Mount Albert, where her son lives, to move to an apartment that could accommodate her wheelchair accessibility needs.

Pollock has applied for compensation through the federal government’s Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) but has yet to be approved. As a result, the pro-freedom organization Veterans 4 Freedom set up a GiveSendGo campaign to help her raise funds.

Unfortunately, Pollock’s story is not unique, as there were a total of 55,145 “adverse events” from COVID shots reported in Canada.

The injuries include 332 blood clots, 289 strokes, and 283 heart attacks. There have also been 198 cases of facial paralysis reported, with some 99 spontaneous abortions reported as well. There have been 79 kidney injuries reported and 37 instances of liver damage.

The Trudeau government heavily promoted the COVID jabs, which were rushed to market. It is still promoting the shots despite the harms caused, even recently approving yet another booster.

In 2021, Trudeau said Canadians “vehemently opposed to vaccination” do “not believe in science,” are “often misogynists, often racists,” and questioned whether Canada should continue to “tolerate these people.”

READ: Trudeau just smeared patriotic truckers as racists but he’s the one who dressed up in blackface

LifeSiteNews has published comprehensive research on the dangers of receiving the experimental injections, including heart damage and blood clots.

A recent study done by researchers at the Canada-based Correlation Research in the Public Interest found that 17 countries have a “definite causal link” between peaks in all-cause mortality and the fast rollouts of the COVID shots and boosters.

In November, officials with Canada’s Department of Health refused to release data concerning internal audits related to the COVID crisis that show “critical weaknesses and gaps,” according to their own department memo.

Additionally, information obtained in September revealed that the Public Health Agency of Canada neglected to report all adverse effects from COVID jabs and even went far as telling staff not to report all events.

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop expanding assisted suicide

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