
Cyberattacks Looming – Intercessors for America

“Cyberattacks are inevitable.”

IFA recently had the opportunity to speak with an international cybersecurity expert who was realistic about the threat of cyberattacks. “It’s not if,” he said, “it’s when.”

In 2023, cloud intrusions increased by 76%, the number of victims of data theft increased by 76%, and the use of malware decreased dramatically — which is not positive, because that made it so hard to identify and stop attacks. In fact, a key factor is “breakout time,” the time it takes for the victim to be able to identify an attack before the hacker is entrenched in the system. That metric dropped to an average of under one hour.

Who is hacking? A growing number of nation-state-backed organizations from such countries as China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, India, Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey, Colombia, Syria, Vietnam, and even South Korea.

What can we do?

There are practical things we can and should do to try to prevent and mitigate damage, such as the use of unique passwords and two-factor authentication. But the essential thing is to make sure our thinking is right:

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Jesus tells us exactly what to think.

First, we will have trouble in this world. Not might. Not maybe. We will have trouble. We should not be surprised, and we certainly should not expect a life free of trouble. At the same time, we can pray for protection with certainty.

Second, we take heart! Some translations say “take courage,” and the Amplified Bible says “be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy.” This is a choice we make. It is a conscious action to decide how we will respond to the news we hear daily, whether personal or global. It might be helpful to picture an array of choices in front of us, like courage, or doubt, or worry. Then we can picture ourselves reaching out and choosing courage. We can ask the Lord to help us learn the habit of choosing courage in the face of what’s happening in our world.

Finally, the why. Why can we take courage? Because Jesus has overcome the world! He has conquered the world. It’s interesting that the very next verses in the Bible are these: Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.” As Jesus prepared to surrender to the Father’s will of death on a cross followed by resurrection, He was reassuring His disciples and us. He had the whole picture.

The Lord has a plan. All of creation must submit to it. Jesus conquered the world, death, Satan, sin, and every evil thing.

Cyberattacks? Take courage!

What prayer helps can you share with the IFA community? Leave a comment here!

(Photo credit: Canva Pro)

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