
Resolute: Mitch McConnell Stepping Down While ‘Uncommitted’ Send Message to Biden – The Stream

“Uncommitted” beats Biden in Dearborn, Trump again trounces Nikki, and Senate Minority Leader McConnell announces he’s stepping down. It’s 251 days until Election Day and we are Resolute.

Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Announces He’s Stepping Down in November

Mitch is ditching his post. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is stepping down after the November elections. McConnell is set to make the announcement from the well of the Senate today. 

“One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” the veteran Republican said in prepared remarks obtained by the Associated Press. “So I stand before you today … to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.”

“As I have been thinking about when I would deliver some news to the Senate, I always imagined a moment when I had total clarity and peace about the sunset of my work, a moment when I am certain I have helped preserve the ideals I so strongly believe. It arrived today.”

McConnell, who turned 82 last week and has suffered health setbacks the past year, also was facing the prospect of an increased hold by Donald Trump on the Republican Party. Indeed, the last few days stories have been posted about the pressure McConnell’s been under to endorse the likely GOP nominee … a man he has not spoken to since 2020. 

Mitch McConnell leaves as the longest serving Senate leader in history.  

Trump Rolls in Michigan, While “Uncommitted” Beats Biden in Dearborn

Former President Donald Trump defeated former SC Governor Nikki Haley by nearly 42 points Tuesday in the Michigan primary. The tally: 68.2% to 26.6%. But that’s not where the “yowza” is.

Yes, Joe Biden won the Democratic primary … but was given a big dose of “uh-oh.” Fully 14% took the bother to vote “uncommitted,” to protest Biden giving military aid to Israel and not offering full-throated support to a cease-fire. Even more striking, “Uncommitted” beat Biden in Muslim-dominated Dearborn.

That spells “trouble” in very big letters on those Biden cue cards. 

On Tuesday, the White House said Biden was “willing to adjust” his policy on Israel after meeting with Arab-American community leaders. Not to say he’s going to make “From the River to the Sea” his campaign slogan, but can Israel be assured Biden won’t steer the ship of state right over the Jewish people if it means holding onto Michigan in November?

Marianne Williamson Jumps Back into Democratic Race in Wake of “Uncommitted” Message

And she’s back: Marianne Williamson is resuming her campaign for the Democratic nomination, just weeks after dropping out.

“As of today, I am unsuspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” Williamson said in a social media post. “I had suspended it because I was losing the horse race. But something so much more important than the horse race is at stake here, and we must respond.”

That, of course, means stopping the Big Orange Hitler.

 “Right now, we have a fascist standing at the door. Everybody’s all upset about it. Well, we should be upset about it. But we’re not going to defeat the fascist by — well, by what? What is President Biden offering?”

As the Fani Turns: Nathan Wade Ex-Partner Plays Rope-a-Dope After Damning Texts

At a hearing Tuesday in Fulton County, Nathan Wade’s ex-partner and divorce attorney Terrence Bradley sweated like he was being audited by the IRS in a sauna. Faced with texts showing him definitively declaring that D.A. Fani Willis began her affair with Nathan Wade when she was a Municipal judge, thus long before she appointed Wade to help prosecute Donald Trump, Bradley hemmed and hawed, stuttered and stammered, and appears to have muttered “dang.”

Bradley claimed his statements had been “speculation.” Claimed he didn’t know when their relationship started. Even went so far as to admit – after a long, sweaty pause – that he may have lied about his friend to defense attorney Ashley Merchant.

Credible? Like an email from a Nigerian prince. 

Can you blame Bradley for trying to dodge straight answers? If he confirms what he said in the texts – that he knew the relationship started long before Willis-Wade say it did, and that they would both lie about it if confronted, the case against Trump and his co-defendants is blown out of the water. Or at the very least, blown past election day, defeating the whole purpose of the exercise, all those meetings at the White House. Can you imagine the heat Bradley must be under? If you saw him on the stand, you saw a man under duress and caught in an impossible position.  

I don’t want to say it’s like testifying against the Mafia. Wait, who am I kidding? Yes it is like testifying against the Mafia. If the Mafia had the full power of the county and federal government to use against those who get in the way of their maintaining power.

Letitia, Letitia, Letitia

Nice work if you can get it. Run on the promise to work every day to “get” Trump. Raise millions from sources far and wide outside your state. Find ways to use and launder said money in ways that would make Fani Willis blush.

At least that’s what an independent journalist who goes by @villgecrazylady seems to uncover when diving into James’ campaign finance records and office expenditures.

Check out this thread

One tasty morsel: “Can anyone tell me why a state Attorney General would need to spend over $300,000 in a single year on campaign consultants when they *just* won re-election the previous November? What could she possibly be consulting on?”

Until next time, stay Resolute!

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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