
Donald Trump Jr., popular podcasters blast Trudeau’s Online Harms bill during live Rumble event – LifeSite

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop more online censorship laws

TORONTO (LifeSiteNews) — Canadian-based video hosting platform Rumble held its first-ever free-speech-centered live event featuring four live editions of some of its exclusive shows, including one hosted by Donald Trump Jr., all of which critiqued Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Online Harms Act.

Held May 10 in Toronto, the event titled “Rumble LIVE: Defending your human right to freedom of expression,” saw live versions of four shows by popular podcasters, including Trump Jr.’s Triggered show and one by Canadian lawyer David Freiheit, known as Viva Frei, who rose to prominence during the Freedom Convoy.

The Rumble live show also featured its CEO Chris Pavlovski as well as Kimberly Guilfoyle, who was formerly with Fox News and is engaged to Trump Jr.

The event, which was co-hosted by Rebel News, saw all of the panelists, which included award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, discuss in length the state of free speech in Canada, notably how recent legislation introduced by the Trudeau Liberals could threaten free speech.

All the panelists took direct shots at the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63, that will target internet speech retroactively if it becomes law. The law, if passed, could lead to large fines and even jail time for vaguely defined online “hate speech” infractions.

As reported by LifeSiteNews recently, Billionaire tech mogul Elon Musk remarked that it is “insane” the Trudeau government’s proposed “Online Harms” bill would target internet speech retroactively if it becomes law.

As noted by Rebel News reporter David Menzies, who was also a panelist, “Bill C-63 is the most censorious bill ever to be introduced in the Western world.”

Freiheit observed that a lot of what Bill C-63 looks to do in terms of going after people is already illegal anyway.

He said during his portion of his livestream that the reality is that “Every human should be a protected class period.”

“The idea you’ll ban hate speech for protected classes, but not for others, might be sort of one of the reasons why we’re seeing churches burning in Canada at a very high rate. Nobody calls that a hate crime,” he said.

“(Bill C-63) will create the division that it purports to try to turn to end.”

Bill C-63 was introduced by Justice Minister Arif Virani in the House of Commons in February and was immediately blasted by constitutional experts as troublesome.

Among other things, the bill calls for the creation of a Digital Safety Commission, a digital safety ombudsperson, and the Digital Safety Office, all tasked with policing internet content, including already illegal internet content such as child exploitation material.

However, the bill also seeks to police “hate” speech online with broad definitions, severe penalties, and dubious tactics.

Details of the new legislation to regulate the internet show the bill could lead to more people jailed for life for “hate crimes” or fined $50,000 and jailed for posts that the government defines as “hate speech” based on gender, race, or other categories.

The bill, if passed, will modify existing laws and amend the Criminal Code as well as the Canadian Human Rights Act, in what the Liberals claim will target certain cases of internet content removal, notably those involving child sexual abuse and pornography.

However, the bill also seeks to police “hate” speech online with broad definitions, severe penalties, and dubious tactics.

Trump Jr. takes center stage at event

Trump Jr., when he took the floor, spoke about a variety of topics, including the ongoing legal battles his father, former President Donald Trump, has been undergoing, but he also took the time to take a shot at Trudeau as well as extreme gender ideology.

He spoke about the truckers and the Freedom Convoy, saying, “I know that they were arrested, I know that they were de-banked, I know they were threatened with their livelihoods and their jobs, and yet, if you’re protesting a peaceful event under the guise of Marxism, leftism, Trudeauism, which may be further left than all of that.”

He then spoke about what is “happening” in the world when it comes to attacks on free speech, saying, “When you look at what’s happening, understand it does not get better from here.”

“If they can do it to a Trump, you know someone who has a following, who has the means to fight back, who has the will to fight back. If they can do it to someone like that, who won’t they do it to,” he said.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) has said Bill C-63 is “the most serious threat to free expression in Canada in generations. This terrible federal legislation, Bill C -63, would empower the Canadian Human Rights Commission to prosecute Canadians over non-criminal hate speech.”

In a recent podcast, well-known Canadian anti-woke psychologist Jordan Peterson and Queen’s University law professor Bruce Pardy warned of the “totalitarian” impact Trudeau’s new Online Harms bill will have on Canada.

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators urging them to stop more online censorship laws

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