
Nearly 1,000 Catholics join Traditional Eucharistic Revival with Latin Mass, procession – LifeSite

INDIANAPOLIS (Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace) — Nearly 1,000 faithful pilgrims from across the U.S. filled the bleachers at Victory Field in Indianapolis on Friday, July 19, for the Traditional Eucharistic Revival, a day-long event featuring a Eucharistic Procession, the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), Adoration, prayer, and talks from nationally-known speakers. The event was livestreamed with the day’s coverage captured here.

Sponsored by LifeSiteNews, the free event, which included a free box lunch for registrants, was held just steps away from the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) and was made possible by some anonymous donors and Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace (CUP), the organizer of the event.

“It is an honor and a privilege to be part of a Eucharistic revival in the United States. It is the mission of LifeSite to spread the fulness of the Truth, and that is Jesus Christ Himself. And He is nowhere more present on this earth than in the Holy Eucharist,” said John-Henry Westen, co-founder and CEO of LifeSiteNews and one of the event speakers.


CUP founder Vicki Yamasaki added, “We offered a complementary program especially for those who could not afford the NEC but who were seeking to adore the True Presence of our Eucharistic Lord without sacrificing the beautiful traditions of our Church, including the Traditional Latin Mass. We were overwhelmed with the enthusiastic response, especially all the large families that attended, and are grateful to the Holy Spirit for filling us with such joy and unity!”

Yamasaki also extended sincere thanks to the inspiring speakers and to the generous event donors and many volunteers who contributed to the day’s success.

The cost of attending the National Eucharistic Congress was cited by some Revival participants.

Souls that gathered across the United States under the open sky to adore the Blessed Sacrament shared:

“Our family was so happy to have this opportunity to attend the Traditional Eucharistic Revival… to have our children serve in the solemn Traditional Latin Mass and the Eucharistic Procession, adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. These deep traditions bind all Catholics who believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament… we are deeply grateful.”  Melinda, Findlay, Ohio

“The Traditional Eucharistic Revival encapsulated the true humility and beauty of the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist. The Beautiful Procession of our Lord, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the True Roman Rite, and the encouraging and insightful speeches, left me with the desire to draw nearer to Christ Jesus and profess the Truth of His Divine Mercy. I feel privileged to have bore witness to this glorious day. ” – Pia, Palm Coast, Florida

“This is the first time I’ve attended a Traditional Latin Mass since I was a child, and it will not be the last.  It was incredible to be here… truly a life-changing experience.” – Mary, Carmel, IN

Along with Westen, attendees enjoyed uplifting talks from Father James Altman and Father Jeffery Fasching. Each highlighted the transformational power of the Eucharist and the importance of restoring Eucharist faith through reverence and worthy reception.


Key takeaway moments

“Is it any wonder people don’t believe in the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist? The only ordinary way to receive the Holy Eucharist, … the only reverent way to receive this precious Sacrament is to kneel and receive the Eucharist on the tongue… 90% of Catholics don’t believe because they waltz up and receive Him like … fast food.” – Father James Altman

“It is a great and glorious time to be here to work, to discover, to assist the United States in coming back to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist…. One of the reasons for disbelief in the Eucharist is the issue of giving Holy Communion to those who are not properly disposed to receive. In Canon 915 speaks about the issue of denial of Holy Communion to those who are public obstinate sinners.” – John-Henry Westen

John-Henry went on to share that “your pro-abortion president who was proclaiming himself to be a Catholic … was in reception of Holy Communion.” John-Henry explained that in Canada, the prime minister, a pro-abortion politician, has been actively receiving Communion, and this has been going on since the 1960s.

“The majority of Catholics either disbelieve or refuse to understand or are just indifferent toward what the Holy Eucharist actually is. We know it is the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. We know that it is our Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. And this simple fact is ultimately why each one of us is here today.” – Father Jeffery Fasching

Father Fasching explained the realities, the truths, that are important wisdom for all of us to remember: that we are part of the One True Church which is the Catholic Church, despite some attempting to mold a new view of the Church of Christ.

When asked about the importance of hosting the Traditional Eucharistic Revival, Westen referenced Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who said that it won’t be the bishops and priests who will restore the Church, it will be the laity. “NOW is our hour, NOW is the time!”

LifeSiteNews, a non-profit international news service headquartered in Canada with a majority of its readership in the United States, is dedicated to issues of life, family, and related concerns. Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace, a national non-profit headquartered in Indiana, is dedicated to defending the dignity of the human person, the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church, and the Constitutional protections that uphold them.

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