
The Implosion of the Left – Intercessors for America

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The progressive agenda is a horseless carriage careening off the cliff. In the last decade, we have gone from rights for gays and lesbians to legalized same-sex marriage to LGBTQ rights to 50+ genders to transsexuals’ rights to picking your pronouns to legalized mutilation of minors without parental consent.

We have witnessed the mainstream media pressure companies. First was racial sensitivity, then quotas, then establishing diversity officers, and then prioritizing diversity, equality, and inclusion over profits. This caused companies to focus on cultural change instead of their business.

We have watched our public schools producing the brightest students by emphasizing tolerance, then anti-bullying, then instilling guilt through critical race theory, and then oversexualizing and encouraging immorality. This has created a generation that believes America’s heritage has produced systemic issues that require radical change.

We have seen our cities flooded with illegal immigrants who are draining cities of resources. In Denver, they have received over 40,000 illegal immigrants in the past three years, costing $90 million in 2024 alone. Recently, a group of these immigrants sent a list of demands to the Denver Mayor that included the ability to cook their food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients; shower access without time limits (“we are not in the military, we are civilians”); regular medical visits and referrals to specialty care; and others.

The next step is to allow illegal migrants to vote, instantly adding 10 million voters who benefit from the progressive agenda.

When man defines his own moral code, morals evolve; they constantly change, achieving ever-increasing levels of evil.

Until they careen off a cliff.

And now, the progressive left no longer has a clear leader. President Biden has decided not to run for a second term, leaving a gaping hole in the progressive agenda’s leadership. With much speculation about who should be the candidate of choice, it seems all are lining up behind Vice President Harris.

President Biden’s announcement comes after weeks of internal conversations and power struggles. Somebody (or bodies) made a coordinated decision internally that Vice President Harris would be the replacement — many progressive leaders issued statements of support within hours of the public announcement. Stronger leaders were passed over for what appears to be a decision to keep the status quo and limit the shift of power internally.

All of this provides the opportunity for men and women of faith. Common sense – those internal morals God writes upon our hearts – is winning the day.

John Deere has recently joined an ever-growing list of companies that are eliminating “socially motivated” messaging and canceling participation in cultural events. They also emphasized that they have never had diversity quotas or a company policy on pronoun identification. In other words, they are going to focus on making great tractors!

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu just signed a series of bills banning boys from participating in women’s teams, restricting gender mutilation surgeries among minors, and enforcing parental notification for instructional material on LGTBQ topics.

Black Chicagoans were recently stunned that the city leadership found over $300 million to tackle the migrant crisis while not addressing decades of needs of their own citizens. Leaders of rights organizations who have been there for decades are now speaking out. The left’s political leaders are not getting what they want because groups farther left than them are getting their resources!

The progressive agenda’s implosion could take one of two forms. A persuasive and charismatic leader within the movement could emerge to solidify it, or those who have had enough will continue to gain ground in communities across America.

This is the time for Christians to pray! We must pray for people to decide that evil has gone far enough and that the Holy Spirit will stir the hearts of leaders to make a difference. There is a tremendous new wave of young leaders and “momma and papa bears” who have been given an opportunity—and legitimacy—and are coming together to keep conservative values at the forefront.

We have been praying for this, and our prayers and intercession need to fuel the momentum. The tide is turning; continue to keep your place on the wall!

Please post a prayer in the comments and share this article to encourage other intercessors to keep praying.

Photo by Caitlin Wynne on Unsplash.

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