
Globalists see Trump as the number one enemy of the status quo. That’s why they want him dead – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is perhaps best understood as the moment our political reality broke down. It was an attempt to kill the enemy of the global system. Its failure to do so has shattered the manufacture of illusion by which it sought to direct our world into disaster.

The shocking moment of miraculous escape, the defiant call to “fight, fight, fight!” and images of the bumbling agency tasked with Trump’s protection gave way to the routine speculation on the shooter’s motives.

Yet this is a shooting which cannot be shaped by the routine narrative of suspect, motive, lessons learned. Its meaning is so powerful, it is an event whose interpretation is decided aside from the so-called facts of the case. This is because the so-called facts are incredible, because the reality this attempted murder reveals has been deliberately excluded from our screens by its authors.

The conspiracy against the truth

As with all conspiracy theories, suspicions over what happened on that day and why are prompted by two things: the real story is absent from the news, and secondly that the answers given on it raise more questions than they resolve.

READ: Report: Device taken to Trump shooter’s home was tracked near FBI, Secret Service headquarters

Our system is not one of informed consent and free and fair elections. Liberal democracy is government by media on behalf of an elite – an elite whose policies are a form of hybrid warfare on the Christianity, the culture, the traditions, the freedoms, the prosperity and security of the populations they manage. This system cannot explain this event, whose significance will only be magnified by the fact it cannot be explained away on the nightly news.

This breaks the system.

The exclusion of the obvious

The obvious context of the shooting has nothing to do with the shooter himself. Whether Thomas Matthew Crooks fired the shots – all or some of them – at Trump, the news excludes the fact that Donald Trump is perceived as the number one enemy of the status quo.

Every liberal-globalist leader across the West has staked their political future on a war in Ukraine which Trump, together with J.D. Vance, has denounced as a waste of life and money.

To put it simply, if Trump wins the current political class may be finished, and so also their vision of the world.

This one big fact, if admitted, makes every enemy of Trump a beneficiary of his death. That means the entire political class of the liberal West and their corporate, media, and NGO allies.

This too should come as no surprise, since Trump has faced down eight years of lawfare and reputational destruction to isolate and neutralize his campaign against “the Deep State.”

Despite his surrender of the pro-life position on abortion and IVF, and his strong support for homosexual “marriage,” the Log Cabin Republicans, and Zionist aspirations, Trump is still seen as the mortal enemy of the globalists.

Globalism is over

Whether Trump lives or dies, whether he wins in November or loses, liberal-globalism appears to be over. The economic system which powered its ambitions to world domination is bankrupt. The international system through which it attempted to secure global financial and military dominance is dissolving. Its formerly unique power is no longer the single and supreme authority in world affairs.

This is a desperate moment for a political and ideological class which is watching its influence terminally decline. NATO, the WEF, the European Union, the IMF, and less visible actors such as the National Endowment for Democracy and the Council on Foreign Relations are waning in influence.

The purpose of these ideological bureaucracies was to steer and shape the world towards the total worldwide domination of the “liberal-democratic” model which is the brand name of the ideology of the would-be global empire.

If they cannot stop Trump, and they may try again, it is unlikely the self-styled masters of the universe will gracefully accept the verdict of history.

The months ahead are the endgame of the liberal-global order, whose strategy may shift from securing survival to sabotage.

READ: AMAZING: How Father Altman got Trump the statue of St. Michael the Archangel

The people who have for so long waged an undeclared war on human life and everything of value in it will not accept defeat. The shots fired did not terminate the threat to the global elite. They appear to have ended Joe Biden’s presidential race. They may also be only the beginning of a desperate insurgency to end any hope of a better world emerging from the election in November.

The war machine may now turn to insurgency, with a policy of maximum damage as it goes down.

The breakdown

At the very least, an attempt on the life of the enemy of globalism was permitted by the state authorities tasked with preventing it.

Kim Cheatle, a woman who used to be the senior director of global security at PepsiCo, was the head of the Secret Service responsible for the safety of Trump. Congress heard on July 22 of the incredible lapses of security over which she presided. During this hearing, she was asked by Marjorie Taylor Greene whether there was a conspiracy to kill President Trump.

After compelling the admission that the shooting was “preventable,” Rep. Nancy Mace told Cheatle she was “full of **** today,” and even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seemed astonished at how “ten days after an assassination attempt on a former president” there were still no answers from the Secret Service as to how this happened.

Cheatle resigned yesterday after perjuring herself on record and refusing to answer some questions. The answers she did give simply invited more incredulity. The official story from the chief security official is simply impossible to believe.

If the Secret Service cannot see – or stop – a young man visibly wandering suspiciously around the perimeter – if it can’t stop him flying a drone around the site beforehand – if it cannot see him on the roof until after he shoots at Trump – can it be taken seriously when its head refuses to say whether the shooter acted alone?

“You will have to ask the FBI,” said the former head of the Secret Service.

Who does this service serve, in secret?

This is one of the many questions explored by Tucker Carlson in his July 22 interview with Jack Posobiec. It is a sobering assessment of the assassination attempt and what is at stake for the system of power threatened by Trump.

The question of power 

This question is the question of American power today. Who runs America? The current president had not been seen for days. When spotted, he seemed unaware he had dropped out of the race. He has been the president but not visibly capable of being president for years.

After the failed attempt to remove Trump from an election he is very likely to win in November, Joe Biden retreated to his basement with “mild symptoms” of COVID. Tucker Carlson reported that the COVID story was in fact a cover for a “medical emergency” involving Biden.

A soft coup followed, in which Schrödinger’s president was withdrawn from the electoral race with a letter he apparently did not write, and allegedly did not sign, which he may not even have read himself, and was posted on an X account managed by a young female intern.

Members of his campaign found out about Biden’s “decision” to withdraw from reading X – hours after Biden’s campaign manager denied claims that Biden was withdrawing from the race.

Again, what happened on our screens was again more real than reality. Wherever Biden was, his fate was determined by images and text produced independently of him.

Mask off for Trump

The attempt to replace the public face of Trump with a mask of lies has failed. He has been accused of being a Russian asset, a criminal, a dictator-in-waiting, a dangerous madman and extremist, a fraud and a felon. What appeared on our screens was contrived to make his election impossible by replacing the reality of the man with a counterfeit. By coincidence, the media was poised to capture the moment this cartoon villain’s head exploded on live television. It would have killed not only the man, but all the hope for a lesser evil world he embodies. And yet he lived.

How was the stage set for this performance?

A bullet passing Trump’s head while he spoke was pictured by the same photographer who pictured George W. Bush being informed of the attacks on the World Trade Center in 2001.

Mills was using a shutter speed usually reserved for “capturing lightning strikes” – according to Twitter’s Grok AI. This was the only Trump rally he and the New York Times had covered this year.

Mills said he started snapping when he heard strange sounds – the bullets popping. Yet the bullet would have passed before he heard the pops, of course.

CNN was broadcasting the rally live – the only time they had done so in 2024.

We are all victims of a conspiracy against the obvious.

Whether by incompetence or design, by accident or by the actions of some hidden hand, the circumstances always favor one side and never the other. On July 13, the wide-open stage was set for the number one threat to the global system of death and despotism to be spectacularly killed on live television.

READ: Tucker Carlson credits ‘divine intervention’ with saving Trump from assassination

It is a miracle that Trump survived. Those who think miracles absurd prefer the belief in the impossible – that the shooting was staged, that whoever shot at Trump was a lone opportunist, that the global system of national suicide Trump opposes is the best of all possible worlds, and that its media is fair and balanced.

The evil is in the open now. Benjamin Netanyahu, a man accused of genocide and three current criminal charges, is to make an appeal to the U.S. Congress to escalate his slaughter of Palestinians into a nuclear powers’ conflict which may engulf the world. Jewish Voice for Peace reported that pro-peace protesters at Congress were arrested last night. It is a crime for Jews to call for peace in the corridors of power.

The stated policy of the warmongers in Congress is to cause maximum damage between now and the election, which, if it is held at all, is almost certain to see a victory for the enemies of Project Global.

The management of democracy by media has broken down. The intended message was interrupted – perhaps by the hand of God Himself – to deliver a promise to end the evil of permanent war.

The political crisis is a spiritual crisis. If Trump survives to win in November, the danger will diminish – but it will remain.

Reality and its enemies

The current crisis is a historical moment whose resolution will determine the fate of the world. The fatal flaw of the fakers is that their projects have all failed. Their vast fortunes and dreams of unlimited power are threatened with total destruction.

It is impossible for this faction of fatal deception to win. What they do best is destroy. The rules-based order is neither ordered nor ruled any more. It has broken the fundamental spell of “liberal democracy,” which is the replacement of violence with the manufacture of consent by the media.

This system is not working any more. They have tried trial by media and by law and now we have witnessed an attempted public execution. The shock of this botched assassination has shattered the show. The power of this evil empire is to sell the mask as the face, the fake as real, and presents its death cult business as the defense of democracy itself. The show is over, and the ugly reality is all we have left to face.

There is hope for a future worth the name. Yet the enemy is desperate, and the danger is they will now do anything in their power to prevent the outbreak of peace.

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