
Ontario inexplicably continues to enforce COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — British Columbia finally lifted its vaccine mandate for healthcare workers, leaving only Ontario still enforcing the experimental shot for healthcare workers.

Unvaccinated healthcare workers have been forced out of hospitals in Ontario since 2021, when Premier Doug Ford imposed a COVID-19 vaccine passport system across the public and private sectors.

Now, while the provincial mandates have been officially dropped, power given to bureaucrats during the height of the COVID “pandemic” has allowed vaccine mandates to be enforced in hospitals across the province.

While some hospitals offer religious or medical exemptions, healthcare workers have told LifeSiteNews that these are rarely granted, meaning finding work as a healthcare worker is nearly impossible in Ontario.

Perhaps even more surprising is that Ford has not stepped in to prevent hospitals from banning unvaccinated staff from work, especially after NDP-run British Columbia dropped its mandate late last month.

Indeed, a recent appeal from Ontario physicians revealed that 2.5 million residents of the province are currently without a family doctor.

According to new data, the number of Ontarians without a family doctor has risen from 1.8 million in 2020 to 2.5 million as of September 2023. The data further revealed that more than 160,000 people were added to the list in a six-month period alone.

Why won’t Ontario let the unvaccinated return to work?

But the question remains: Why won’t Ontario let go of their outdated and unreasonable mandate, especially when it is leaving residents without necessary medical care?

Assuming Ford has the best of intentions, there are three obvious reasons for not lifting the mandate: Ford is unaware of the severity of the shortage, he believes allowing unvaccinated workers will not solve the problem, or he believes that allowing the unvaccinated to return would be a greater risk than leaving Ontarians without medical care.

However, it cannot be the first reason since recently released figures have revealed that not only is Ford aware of the shortage but is actively trying to hide it from Canadians.

The data showed that Ontario will need 33,200 more nurses and 50,853 more personal support workers by 2032 to fill the healthcare workers shortage, figures that Ford had asked the Information and Privacy Commissioner to keep secret.

Additionally, Ford can hardly believe that allowing the unvaccinated to return would not help the shortage as Raphael Gomez, director of the Centre for Industrial Relations and Human Relations at the University of Toronto, told CTV News that as many as 10 percent of nurses in the province either quit or retired early as a result of the mandates.

Additionally, the number is not counting the number of unvaccinated young Ontario residents who have decided not to go into the medical field since they will not be able to work in their province.

Finally, the argument that allowing unvaccinated health care staff to return would pose a risk to patients is unfounded to say the least. In addition to evidence of deaths and serious injuries due to the COVID jabs, it has furthermore been shown that the injections do not prevent the transmission of the virus.

Since none of the previously stated reasons could be reasonably held by the Ford government, many are beginning to question if the mandate is part of a bigger agenda or even a cover-up of the mishandling of the COVID “pandemic.”

Ontario pro-freedom Dr. Mark Trozzi, who has been persecuted for resisting the COVID agenda, previously told LifeSiteNews that the ongoing vaccine mandates are an attempt to cover up the fact that the shots were a failure and dangerous.

“I believe that anyone continuing to administrate these mandates rather than halting these injections entirely, because of their extreme danger signals, is negligent if not intentionally criminal,” he declared.

“They are pretending that they did not just severely screw up thus killing and injuring many innocent people,” Trozzi explained. “In continuing the mandates and not halting the injections, they persist in placing their own interests to cover their guilt and maintain their profits rather than even remotely serve their duty to protect human life. It is my opinion that they should be removed from office in handcuffs and prosecuted.”

Trozzi further pointed out that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) is both creating and “solving” the doctor shortage.

“The leadership of Canada’s colleges of physicians and surgeons along with guilty persons in provincial and federal governments, stripped the licenses of our most trustworthy physicians and nurses,” he explained.

“They also forced an exodus of quieter but intelligent doctors who quietly refused to be injected with the C-19 genetic ‘vaccines,’” Trozzi continued. “What makes this worse is the current precedent being set, which is to inject and muzzle all our still licensed doctors and nurses and eliminate any doctor or nurse who warns the public with true science.”

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