
Liberia’s civil war ended in 2003. Now it wants to try its war criminals.

Many who experienced the horrors of Liberia’s two civil wars, which lasted from 1989 to 2003 and killed around 250,000 people, have struggled to fully put the past behind them.

This is in part because there has been so little accountability for the crimes of that era, which included widespread rape, massacres, and the forced conscription of thousands of child soldiers. Although a few of those responsible have been convicted in international courts, not a single suspect has been prosecuted in Liberia itself. 

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

A generation after the end of Liberia’s civil wars, many victims are still without closure. A new war crimes court could change that.

“No wounds have been healed; no reparations have taken place; no form of apologies have been recorded,” says Adama Kiatamba Dempster, co-founder of an organization that advocates for accountability for war crimes. 

However, that’s due to change. In May, Liberia’s president, Joseph Boakai, signed an executive order to create a special war crimes court. Now, activists say, the fight is to ensure that promise does not fall by the wayside, and that victims are given a path to justice before it is too late. 

It has been two decades since the end of Liberia’s second civil war, but Adama Kiatamba Dempster’s memories of the conflict are still vivid and haunting. 

One in particular is seared in his mind. Rebels had set up a checkpoint, where they asked each person passing through to state their tribe. As Mr. Dempster waited his turn, he watched people who gave the “wrong” answer being ushered away from the line. Then “you hear gunshots, and you never see those people come back,” he remembers. 

Today, Mr. Dempster is a human rights activist and father of four. But like many who experienced the horrors of Liberia’s two civil wars, which lasted from 1989 to 2003 and killed around 250,000 people, he has struggled to fully put the past behind him. 

Why We Wrote This

A story focused on

A generation after the end of Liberia’s civil wars, many victims are still without closure. A new war crimes court could change that.

This is in part because there has been so little accountability for the crimes of that era, which included widespread rape, massacres, and the forced conscription of thousands of child soldiers. Although a few of those responsible have been convicted in international courts, not a single suspect has been prosecuted in Liberia itself. 

“No wounds have been healed, no reparations have taken place, no form of apologies have been recorded,” says Mr. Dempster, co-founder of the Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform of Liberia, a nongovernmental organization that advocates for accountability for war crimes. 

That could now change. In May, Liberia’s president, Joseph Boakai, signed an executive order to create a special war crimes court. Now, activists say, the fight is to ensure that promise does not fall by the wayside, and that victims are given a path to justice before it is too late. 

Olamikan Gbemiga/AP

Liberian President Joseph Boakai poses for a photo prior to the start of a meeting for the Economic Community of West African States, in Abuja, Nigeria, July 7, 2024.

A long road to reconciliation

For more than a century, Liberia was ruled by the descendants of formerly enslaved people from the United States. Indigenous Liberians were an oppressed underclass. In 1980, an Indigenous-led faction of the military overthrew the government, setting in motion a bloody struggle for power that eventually exploded into two back-to-back civil wars. 

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