
How a juicy Dixon watermelon helped me conjure carefree childhood summers

I’m an adult with a job. A 9-to-5, in-person office job. I drive to work, set my lunch in a fridge, and stare at a computer. Around noon, I warm up some soup or chicken in a microwave, and say with firsthand experience that a day can be ruined for everyone by an ill-advised, leftover shellfish gumbo.

I pay attention to health care open-enrollment periods and credit card statements. Does the furnace filter need to be changed? When was the last time I looked at the clothes dryer’s exhaust pipe? Do the car brakes need to be checked? What are we going to eat tonight, and do I need to go to the grocery store?

Ah, adulthood. These are the daily decisions that dart around my brain like goldfish swimming in a bowl. The repetitive responsibilities of life dilute my days into checklists that can fill notepads and make any progress I achieve feel mechanized. Sometimes I feel as if I am on the proverbial hamster wheel.

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