
Campaign Life Coalition distributes thousands of pro-family flyers ahead of New Brunswick election – LifeSite

FREDERICTON, New Brunswick (LifeSiteNews) — Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) has distributed flyers reminding the citizens of New Brunswick of the importance of pro-family policies that hang in the balance in the coming provincial election. 

Last month, pro-life and pro-family organization CLC mailed out 160,000 postcards across New Brunswick to encourage parents to uphold the province’s policy mandating that schools obtain parental consent before referring to children by a different name or using different pronouns.

“The New Brunswick Liberal Party, led by Susan Holt, has pledged to repeal this common sense school directive if Liberals form government,” CLC’s Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews.  

“She will turn back the clock on parental rights, and forbid teachers from obtaining parental consent before transitioning kids at school,” he continued. “Minors will be encouraged to impersonate the opposite sex at school and helped in keeping it secret from their mom and dad.”  

The flyers, which were sent to the greater Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John areas, came just a few months before New Brunswick’s provincial election scheduled for October 21. The current Progressive Conservative premier, Blaine Higgs, has introduced a series of pro-family directives, which would likely be repealed if he loses the upcoming election.  

The pamphlets warned that promoting LGBT ideology in schools often leads to children undergoing irreversible procedures including puberty blockers and mutilating surgeries.   

“Puberty blockers, high dose estrogen and testosterone are powerful drugs which can cause irreversible infertility, make bones brittle, stunt a child’s growth, reduce brain volume, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood clots and various cancers,” the flyer explained.  

“A 2023 study found that hundreds of Canadian girls aged 17 and younger underwent double mastectomies over the past five years,” it continued, linking to an online petition which provided sources for several studies exposing the dangers of gender “transitioning.”

“Our hope is that the evidence-based information in the postcard will wake up parents to the urgency of doing everything they can to encourage Premier Higgs to hold the line on parental rights, and also to ensure that the Susan Holt Liberals do not form government,” Fonseca explained.  

“It’s absolutely essential that every New Brunswicker who believes that parents know what’s best for their children, work hard to inform their friends, relatives, neighbours and members of their church, exactly what kind of evil Susan Holt will perpetrate against parents and children if she is allowed to seize the Premier’s chair,” he continued. “Supporting only pro-life and pro-parental rights candidate is a must for every New Brunswicker this election.” 

CLC’s campaign was roundly condemned by mainstream media outlets, including CBC News and Global News 

“It has been shameful and totally lacking in journalistic integrity,” Fonseca said of the New Brunswick mainstream media. “They’ve been propagandists, working to defend Gender Ideology and to defend the Susan Holt Liberals in the face of the evidence we presented that the Liberals support child mutilation via their endorsement of Gender Ideology and the drastic suicide rates to which it leads.”  

Fonseca said that Global News reporter Susanne Lapointe “lied on province-wide TV, saying that our fact claim about cross-sex hormones producing shrinkage in brain volume was a ‘false statement.’”  

However, according to scientific evidence submitted by Dr. John Whitehall, Professor of Pediatricts & Child Health at Western Sydney University, to the Australian Ministry of Health, “a rate of shrinkage of the grey matter of the adult brain for a male on oestrogens at a rate 10 times that of ageing, after only four months of treatment.”  

Fonseca encouraged pro-family Canadians to pray “for God to pour out his blessing on New Brunswick and to uphold those who defend the truth.” 

“After all this is primary a spiritual battle, and to win it, we must use spiritual weapons,” he declared. “The reality is that even if we use the best communications and political strategy available, they will not succeed unless they’re grounded in prayer and offered up for the glory of God.” 

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