
Tim Walz’s ‘mind your own business’ motto is the exact opposite of what the Golden Rule commands – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — For being a self-described Lutheran, Tim Walz is clueless when it comes to understanding Christ’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Since being chosen as Kamala Harris’ running mate, the eccentric, ultra-woke governor from the upper Midwest has repeatedly invoked “the golden rule” during his campaign speeches.

“In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and the personal choices they make,” he said at the Democratic National Convention last month. “And even if we wouldn’t make the same choices for ourselves, we’ve got a Golden Rule — mind your own … business!”

As every well-catechized Christian knows, the Golden Rule is a reference to Christ’s words in the Gospel of Matthew: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Regrettably, this phrase has all too often been misapplied by liberal politicians like Walz to support sinful behaviors such as homosexual “marriage,” abortion, and gender transitioning, which lead souls to hell.

The thinking goes something like this: “I’m not a same sex attracted person. Nor do believe I am the opposite sex. But I don’t want to stand in the way of their happiness. I’m not supposed to judge others anyway. So, I’ll just help them live the life they want.”

Only the devil could come up with something this sinister.

Aside from his poor theology, Tim Walz is blatantly hypocritical when it comes to leaving people alone. During COVID-19, he forced business to shut down, mandated the experimental shot for state workers, established a reporting line that encouraged Minnesotans to inform on their freedom-loving neighbors, and shut down churches and Little League games.

What’s more, as pointed out by my LifeSite colleague Matt Lamb, Walz signed legislation to make his state a “refuge” for “trans” children, which means it can temporarily take custody of minors from their God-fearing parents so they can have sex-change surgeries.

“Minding your own … business” sure looks a lot like “here, let me help you commit sin so we both end up in hell.”

Tim Walz is a beta male. He’s what liberal women and pro-abortion men think a man should be. He’s overly enthusiastic, a little goofy, and constantly bending over backward to appease every woke faction that comes along with some new grievance.

But men are supposed to be leaders who stand on principle. It is they, more than woman, who are designed by God to not be governed by emotion and instead to rely on reason and courage in order to buck the trend of whatever newfangled idea that comes along, which is precisely what liberalism is.

Scripture itself teaches that those who are in positions of authority will be “judged more harshly” than others when their time on this earth is up. As such, they have a duty to warn others about their wayward behavior lest they, as Ezekiel 3:18 says, be “held accountable” by God for those behaviors themselves.

Far from being a benign political slogan, Walz’s slick catch phrase is a sinister appropriation of Christ’s command to love our neighbor, which is what we do when we help them avoid sin so they can get to heaven. He and Kamala Harris are actively seeking to usher in the complete opposite of that and should be strongly denounced by all Americans who call themselves Christian.

Stephen Kokx is a journalist for LifeSiteNews. A former community college instructor, Stephen has written and spoken extensively about Catholic social teaching, politics, and spirituality. He previously worked for the Archdiocese of Chicago under the late Francis Cardinal George. His essays have appeared in a variety of outlets, including Catholic Family News and He is the author of St. Alphonsus for the 21st Century: A Handbook for Holiness.

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