
Steve Bannon asks judge for early release from 4-month jail term – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Steve Bannon asked a federal judge to release him from jail early as he serves out a four-month sentence for refusing to cooperate with the corrupt, now-dissolved January 6 House Select Committee that was filled with Never Trump Republicans and highly partisan Democrats.

The former Trump adviser is set for release October 29, one week before election day, November 5. The U.S. Supreme Court and the Washington, D.C., appeals court previously denied his request to delay reporting to prison in Danbury, Connecticut on July 1. The three-judge panel issued a split decision with Judge Cornelia Pillard, an Obama nominee, and Judge Bradley Garcia, a Biden nominee, voting to reject Bannon’s request. Judge Justin Walker, a Trump appointee, dissented.

Bannon’s 12-page appeal draws heavily on the concerns expressed by Walker. It argues that it is “likely” that his pending case before the D.C. Circuit Court will be tossed out and that he should “not have to serve his entire sentence before the (entire) D.C. Circuit or Supreme Court can hear his case.” He is requesting that Judge Carl Nichols allow him to be released on bail or have supervised leave.

Bannon’s sentencing, practically unheard of in Washington, was a result of two counts of contempt of Congress. He was convicted by a jury in July 2022. The popular War Room host has been one of Donald Trump’s loudest cheerleaders and has helped amplify nationalist and America First messaging. Some have argued that his presence is sorely needed given Trump’s shift to the center and repeated disavowals of Project 2025.

At a rally for Bannon held just minutes before he began his jail sentence in July, Traditional Catholic priest Father Kevin Robinson of the Society of St. Pius X imparted his blessing on the 70-year-old divorced Catholic. Bannon began the press conference by declaring that he is a “political prisoner” of Nancy Pelosi, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Joe Biden, who he accused of lying about COVID-19 and the 2020 election. He also noted that he has “no regrets” for refusing to testify before the “completely illegitimate” January 6 committee.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson in June, Bannon said he plans to perform the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola to help him during his time behind bars. The facility he has been sent to houses mostly white-collar criminals.

Donald Trump will square off against Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris for their first debate on September 10 in Philadelphia. Most polls show Harris with a small lead nationally while key swing states like Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia give Trump a slight edge but are still well within the margin

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