
Speaker Johnson May Revive the SAVE Act

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The SAVE Act may have died over the summer, but Speaker Johnson may revive it by attaching it to a stop-gap spending bill.

From Breitbart. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and House Republican leadership are reportedly discussing attaching a bill that requires proof of citizenship to vote to a stop-gap spending bill.

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The federal government will shut down on September 30 if Congress fails to pass a spending bill, and congressional leaders are eyeing a short-term spending bill that would fund the government past Election Day, November 5.

Johnson and Republican leaders are now considering attaching the SAVE Act, a bill that would require proof of citizenship to vote in a federal election, to the short-term spending bill that would continue funding the government until March 2025. …

A 2022 YouGov survey found that 65 percent of Americans back requiring proof of citizenship to vote in elections, which included 48 percent of Democrats, 62 percent of swing voters, and 88 percent of Republicans.

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) wrote on Monday, “Hats off to @SpeakerJohnson for attaching the SAVE Act to the September spending bill. If it’s a ‘nonstarter’ with Democrats to deter noncitizens from voting, they’re going to have to explain that.”

Would you like to see the SAVE Act including in a spending bill? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Office of Speaker Mike Johnson)

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