
Col. Macgregor: Attempted Trump assassin’s recruiting for Ukraine may show ‘CIA connection’ – LifeSite

Help bring aid trucks into Gaza: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — A new report from Redacted Media brings Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s view on the “moving pieces in the global chess match.” This is how Redacted’s Clayton Morris presents the increasing likelihood of serious escalations to full-scale war, as a second attempt on Donald Trump’s life brings the Ukraine connection home to Americans.

The news that Ryan Routh, arrested for attempting to assassinate Trump, was actively recruiting U.S. citizens to fight for Ukraine is one dimension to a reality shaped by a captive media from which Americans, says Macgregor, must “wake up.”

“We are really on the edge of the abyss now,” warns Macgregor. “Americans need to get off the couch, put down the beer, and pay attention.”

Pay attention to what? Macgregor sharply outlines the situation facing the American people. He says the war leaders in Ukraine and Israel are a direct danger to Americans.

“Zelensky and Netanyahu have a similar objective: both of them desperately want to drag the United States into war on their behalf,” he said.

This is a situation which is inflamed by “CIA and MI6” narratives which dominate the media, Macgregor argues, noting that any connection of the would-be assassin to recruiting for Ukraine is a “CIA connection.” Routh was in Ukraine in 2022, heading a volunteer organisation for foreigners seeking to help the war effort. He has been actively attempting to recruit fighters for Ukraine’s war in the U.S. – and internationally.

“One has to conclude there are few accidents of this kind,” Macgregor observed, noting the second attempt on Trump’s life in ten weeks.

READ: Attempted Trump assassin once convicted of possessing ‘weapon of mass destruction’

“There are lots of unanswered questions about the first attempt,” Macgregor continued, adding that the perception of the Ukraine war had been supplied to the second shooter – Ryan Routh – by a media operation effectively run “by the CIA.”

Routh’s connections to the Deep State are not merely conjectural. As Mike Benz has argued, “Ryan Routh was serving as a State Department back-channel for the CIA ‘visas for terrorists’ operation – to assist the Pentagon” – in helping former ISIS fighters travel to Ukraine to fight in its war.

As the downstream effects of this Deep State war and its propaganda threaten the life of a presidential candidate, Macgregor warns that the situation in Ukraine is being driven to extremes by a third war leader: that of the U.K.

“We have this man [Keir] Starmer who is at war with his own population,” said Macgregor, referring to the British prime minister who, “like Boris Johnson his predecessor, could easily drag us into a wider conflict.”

Macgregor refers here to the former “conspiracy theory,” dismissed as “nonsense” but now accepted, that former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson intervened to prevent peace and escalate the war in Ukraine.

“[Keir Starmer] is locking people up who are opposed to the massive influx of foreigners into Britain,” said Macgregor of the U.K. premier, who has been dubbed “Two-Tier Keir” for his handling of migrant criminals and their critics.

The British government has recently imposed sentences of up to 38 months in prison for protesting against migrant crime, which has erupted following the mass migration of millions of people into Europe through Libya and from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.

READ: Synod on Synodality to include ceremony ‘confessing’ sins against ‘migrants,’ ‘synodality’

Macgregor continued, “[Starmer] is punishing his own people. At the same time he is a strident advocate for war with Russia. He does not seem to understand how vulnerable Britain and NATO is to Russian weapons and capabilities.”

Macgregor points out that the U.S., which is the power behind NATO, “does not want all-out war with Russia.” He warns that British demands to permit Ukraine to use British Storm Shadow missiles to strike deep into Russia are a dangerous escalation to that end.

“Clearly the Ukrainians do not have the capability to launch [British-supplied] Storm Shadow, because they rely on us” for launch capability in targeting and crewing. This means that the British move is a demand to directly involve NATO in the fighting.

“The Russians are saying this could lead to a state of war” between themselves and NATO, Macgregor observes, saying the British prime minister is “capable of dragging us into something we don’t want – which is open war between the U.S. and Russia.”

So if the U.S. government, or NATO, do not want war – what do they want?

“They want to drag the war out beyond the election,” says Macgregor, citing the “tragedy of American politics” that war commitments are determined by election cycles, as that in Vietnam was under Nixon.

False flag?

In a further warning, both Macgregor and Morris cite Russian reports that Ukraine may be planning “false flag” atrocities to remobilize Western support.

“There is a lot of evidence for a buildup of a major Russian ground offensive. We are on the threshold of something really big in Ukraine,” he said.

“I think the Russians are going to set the terms of battle and of victory,” whilst former allies peel away.

“The Germans are out,” said Macgregor, citing the fact the German government has said it will stop all new aid to Ukraine. As Russia prepares to settle the war on its terms, Macgregor is highlighting how far the Ukrainian regime may go to rally support.

With the widening perception that Ukraine has lost the war, it may resort to staging atrocities in order to win back Western backing through the generation of shocking headlines.

Macgregor says “Ukraine has done this before.”

He cites the “Bucha massacre,” widely broadcasted in the West, in which Russian soldiers were said to have executed Ukrainian civilians.

“We now have testimony from French journalists that there were no Russians in this town,” says Macgregor, stating bluntly that “those civilians were killed by other Ukrainians,” with the story of Russian war crimes “pushed” by British and U.S. intelligence agencies through the media.

Support for Ukraine increased as a result. One Frenchman whose reporting on Ukrainian war crimes is cited by Macgregor survived an assassination attempt in 2023. As Max Blumenthal pointed out in 2022, “[R]eports of a Russian massacre of scores of civilians in the town of Bucha also contain suspicious details suggesting a pattern of information manipulation aimed at triggering Western military intervention.”

A similar operation showing “a pattern of Ukrainian deceptions” was suspected by The Grayzone to have taken place in Mariupol, with serious questions raised over the framing of a civilian massacre as a Russian war crime highlighted by independent journalists and reported by eyewitnesses at the time.

Yet the captive media has told Americans nothing about how atrocity propaganda is used to routinely stir up their emotions in support of prolonging wars.

The danger from Israel

Israel has used atrocity propaganda to great effect itself, its narrative of October 7 broadcasted widely – despite containing many horrific details which, according to Israeli media, “simply did not happen.”

READ: Uncovering the truth behind Israel’s justification for its war in Gaza

Yet a real atrocity is now promised by its leadership – and one which may directly involve the U.S.

With Israel incapable of preventing its capital, Tel Aviv, from being struck by a Yemeni Houthi missile, Macgregor warns Americans to “keep an eye on Netanyahu’s threat to invade and destroy Southern Lebanon.”

Why does this matter? If Israel invades as Netanyahu says it will, Turkey – a NATO member – has promised to intervene. The governments of U.S. allies in Jordan and in Egypt may fall, as their populations’ anger at Israel’s actions become impossible to contain.

Again, Macgregor stresses the vital points that the captive media omits from its narratives. A wider conflict sparked by Israeli aggression in Lebanon could well see “the U.S. dragged into a conflict not only with Iran” but with “Russia and China as well.”

The world as we know it has changed, argues Macgregor, and the captive media is preventing Americans from realizing the dangers of the present that has replaced the past.

“All of these things seem to be moving in parallel,” he says, noting themselves “economic political and military” shifts in alignment.

With the rise of BRICS, and with the fissures in NATO over Ukraine and Israel, the U.S. is becoming isolated, he argues.

“[E]veryone is divorcing themselves from the United States and Israel. It’s that simple.”

An alternative to propaganda?

Macgregor ends in promoting a solution to the crisis in America: a new platform promising freedom of speech and providing the tools to help Americans reclaim their state.

“It’s time to take our country back and end the destruction of our nation,” he said.

Called “Re:Public,” the new platform backed by Macgregor allows Americans to organize and connect with each other, without fear of being “canceled,” and to directly petition their lawmakers.

It is a social, political and economic mission for change, according to Macgregor, who said that at Re:Public, “We want to keep out big corporate interests who are trying to shape policy, thinking, and attitudes.”

In a world dominated by destructive narratives crafted against the national interest, this new venture is a promising alternative. As Macgregor says himself, “If you believe in free speech, Re:Public is the way to go.”

You can find the new platform Re:Public here.

Help bring aid trucks into Gaza: LifeFunder

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