
How Should We Pray for Our Country and the Upcoming Election?

As Christians, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you look at the state of our country today. The politics, the division, and the uncertainty about the future can feel like too much. But if you’re anything like me, you know that prayer is where the battle begins. It’s not just a nice sentiment or something we toss around because we don’t know what else to say. Prayer is our weapon. It’s the thing that moves mountains, breaks strongholds, and invites God into situations that seem impossible.

Let’s talk about how we should be praying for our country, the upcoming election, and for godly leadership.

Why Is Humility Important in Praying for Our Country?

First and foremost, we need to start with humility. We have to acknowledge that, as much as we think we know, God knows better. We need to get on our knees and ask God for wisdom and guidance—not just for our leaders but for ourselves. devotional and podcast are now available! For an easy way to start your day with prayer, read or listen to today’s prayer and sign up to receive it by email.

Let Us Pray with You

How will you be praying for peace this election season? Comment and share your thoughts and testimony at Crosswalk Forums! Click HERE.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/LeoPatrizi 

Cynthia GarrettCynthia Garrett broke barriers when she became the first African American woman in the U.S. to host a network late-night show, NBC’s Later with Cynthia Garrett. She is currently seen on TBN and Salem Media networks, as well as on Fox News and other news outlets, addressing cultural issues and today’s news. The Cynthia Garrett Podcasts premiere weekly on all major podcast platforms.
A highly sought-after speaker, author, TV host, and ordained minister, Garrett is the author of The Naked Truth: Reclaiming Sexual Freedom in a Culture of Lies (2024), I Choose Victory: Moving from Victim to Victor (2020), and Prodigal Daughter: A Journey Home to Identity (2016). For more information, visit

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