
Happy New Year!

At an opportune moment on the final day of the retreat, Christopher was now ready. He kept telling me, “Well, I need to learn more and grow into this.” Finally, I said, “No, it’s time right now to ask Christ to come in and take control. Are you ready right now to do that?” “Yes,” he said humbly. I called his brother over, and the three of us prayed as Christopher applied the blood of Christ to the doorpost of his life. He was born again.

Where has your life been and where is it now? God is the God of new beginnings. Regardless of where your life has been, if you come to Him in faith, He can make all things new.

A National Delivered

Moses and his kinsmen (several million Israelites) had been in cruel bondage in Egypt for 430 years. There was nothing they could do: no way out and no human means of deliverance.

God knew what He was about for His people to whom He had pledged the Promised Land. On a perfect day, He instructed the people to take an unblemished lamb (a picture of Christ, the Lamb of God who was to come) and place the blood of that Lamb on their doorposts. It would protect them from the judgment coming across the land of Egypt.

All of this was God’s means of deliverance but also a foreshadowing of the future, as everything is. The Messiah (the Lamb of God) was coming. He would become a man and live a sinless life and then die a sacrificial death. His death in our place would be the means of our deliverance from sin, death, and hell.

But …

Something had to happen. The people must believe in God as their only Deliverer, partake of an unblemished lamb, and the blood of that lamb had to be APPLIED to their doorposts.

Moreover, they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses in which they eat it. (Exodus 12:7)

The whole nation of Israel—every household—believed and trusted in the blood of the Lamb to save them. The blood was applied to their doorposts and the Death Angel passed over their lives.

A New Year

God now gave a significant command to Moses and the people.

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