
Top 50 Stories on The Aquila Report for 2022: 21-30

In keeping with the journalistic tradition of looking back at the recent past, we present the top 50 stories of …

The Counterintuitive Christ

Written by Nicholas T. Batzig | Wednesday, January 4, 2023 If Jesus came after the expectations and desires of sinful …

The Theological World of the Nicene Controversy

Written by Matthew J. J. Hoskin | Wednesday, January 4, 2023 The Creed of Constantinople was, on the one hand, …

Does Objective Truth Exist, and How Can It Be Defined?

Written by J. Warner Wallace | Wednesday, January 4, 2023 Let’s accept the reality that there IS a singular truth …

How the Sympathy of Christ Sustains the Church

Jesus is our qualified and compelling great high priest. The Son became human not only to identify with us and represent …

“Just the Facts, Ma’am”

Written by Jeffrey A. Stivason | Wednesday, January 4, 2023 How can we know the Christ who died for our …

A Superb Public Statement on Marriage, Sex, and Identity

DISCLAIMER: The Aquila Report is a news and information resource. We welcome commentary from readers; for more information visit our …