
Living Stones

In Him we are precious, valued, chosen not because we are choice but because of His grace. We are enfolded …

Give Others Their Moment

Your friend shares about their special needs child? You are listening to a story of your friend who is a …

God and Healing

Written by T. M. Suffield | Sunday, January 22, 2023 It is important to wrestle with these questions in an …

The Book of Job is About Asking the Wrong Question

God is too free and wisdom is too profound for the retributive principle to be immutably true in every situation; …

Three Reasons to Study Church History

Were it not for heretics, we might not have the New Testament canon. Or a clarified doctrine of the Trinity …

Why You Need to Cultivate a Sanctified Imagination

As you read the Scripture, pay attention to the imagery. Ask God to awaken your imagination. Instead of filling your …

On Meditation

By meditating on the Word, we are orienting our hearts to heavenly glories and eternal truths. We are willingly subjecting …

The Art of Observing What’s Not Said

Observing what’s not said is definitely an art and not a science, so you need to use common sense. Identify what you …

Teach Us to Number Our Days

The Bible tells us, “So teach us to number our days … that we may get a heart of wisdom.” …

Is it Okay to Be Bored in Church?

We’ve all seen them, people who attend the church in body but not in spirit. They stand during the singing, …