
Bear One Another’s Burdens, Prevent Suicide

This is my testimony: I was twelve years old and in seventh grade when I made my first suicide attempt. …

Four Things to Know About Going to Seminary

As the summer months come to a close and the brisk chill of fall returns to the air, people across …

The Goal of Church Isn’t To Keep People in the Pews

I grew up brown and Catholic in a predominantly evangelical context. The Catholic presence in my town was so small …

Common Ground Begins on Higher Ground

Paul David Hewson is an Irish singer and songwriter from Dublin, Ireland. Paul and his mates began their band, Feedback, …

Look Back | Guatemalan Research: Disturbing Echo of Tuskegee

Editor’s note: “Look Back” is a series designed to highlight articles from the Good Faith Media archives that remain relevant …

November 18, 2022

Poll: Religious Americans Less Concerned About Climate Change (The Missoulian) Tennessee Southern Baptists Condemn Gender Transition, Trans Legal Protections (Tennessean) …