Putting the Pieces in Place

It can be hard to understand why certain things are happening, or even to remember that there is a big …

Cultivating Gentleness

Are you gentle? How would you know? The fruit of the Spirit is seen in the Christian who is gentle. …

The Newborn Temple

Christmas reminds us that Jesus is the true temple, true sacrifice, and true priest. Yet those who are united to …

The Heavens Declare

The Son of God most High now hangs cursed for the sins of his people on a tree, suspended between …

What Did the Angel Mean by ‘And on Earth, Peace’?

The angel in Luke 2 addressed a group of shepherds with the message that their Savior was born. He also …

Christmas: the feast of our triumph in Christ – LifeSite

Fri Dec 23, 2022 – 8:56 pm EST (LifeSiteNews) – In three previous articles, we considered Advent’s liturgical texts, in …