
Trudeau’s public health agency blames ‘climate change’ on ‘capitalism’ and ‘racism’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A bizarre new report published by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Public Health Agency seeks to draw a link between “negative health outcomes” and “climate change,” a phenomenon it blames on “white supremacy, capitalism, colonialism and racism.”

The report, titled What We Heard: Perspectives On Climate Change And Public Health In Canada, was published Monday and was based on interviews with 30 academics and experts, according to Blacklock’s Reporter. 

“Systemic drivers of negative health outcomes and climate change overlap,” the report stated. “White supremacy, capitalism, colonialism and racism must be addressed.”

READ: Climate analysts try to hide inconvenient data showing weather-related deaths down 98%

“These core drivers of climate change — extraction, capitalism and colonialism — were described as the root of polarization and fragmentation witnessed recently in public health,” continued the report, adding that the “key messages we heard underscored that public health and climate change require a focus on decolonizing, justice and equity, adequate funding, political commitment and cross-sectoral partnerships with the expectation that fundamental changes in our socioeconomic structures are needed to rebuild our relationships with each other and with our planet.”

Continuing, the report stated that people “living in Canada depend on a healthy environment and equitable access to it,” and explained that the experts said the only way access will be improved is by “addressing systemic issues, i.e. capitalism, colonialism and racism which drive common inequitable outcomes for public health and nature.”

On the industry front, the authors of the report also relayed that many of the “experts” criticized Canada’s natural resource sectors, including oil, gas, and mining.

“Several [experts] described how denial and disinformation are currently being supported by powerful groups that have vested interests in not making changes to adapt to and mitigate climate change such as the fossil fuel industry,” wrote the authors.

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Artur Pawlowski’s son MUST NOT be fined or jailed for protecting kids from Drag Queens
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The son of pastor Artur Pawlowski could be facing massive fines and jail time after he preached Bible verses outside a drag queen story time held at a public library over the weekend.

Nathaniel Pawlowski was detained and ticketed on Saturday by Calgary Police Service (CPS) because he was preaching too “close” to the drag event, in an apparent violation of a new and oppressive bylaw.

SIGN: Nathaniel Pawlowski MUST NOT be fined or jailed for protecting kids from Drag Queens

Pawlowski said that he was outside the event to “preach, read the Bible and just speak.” 

Video of the incident shows Pawlowski along with his friend Deklan Friesen speaking to a crowd outside the library.

Calgary City Council last month passed a new “Safe and Inclusive Access Bylaw” that disallows “specified protests” both inside and outside all city-owned and affiliated public buildings. Mayor Jyoti Gondek put her full support behind the buffer zone bylaw.

Please tell Mayor Gondek that the bylaw violating Charter freedoms is both unjust and absurd

The bylaw means pastors or concerned parents protesting pro-LGBT events at public buildings are barred from getting within 100 meters of any such location.

Top constitutional lawyer John Carpay recently blasted Calgary City Council for going to “war” against Canadians’ freedoms by using bylaws to target people’s ability to protest events at public facilities, including drag queen performance directed at children. 

In an opinion piece published on March 17 in the Western Standard, Carpay said “freedom of expression is meaningless if citizens are only allowed to say what’s approved by the government, or if expression is banished from public spaces.” 

Pawlowski noted that his ticket has no penalty listed yet, as police must “review the evidence on me and that they will be stopping by my home to issue charges.”  

His ticket does have a mandatory court appearance date. Each charge under Calgary’s bylaw carries a maximum fine of up to $10,000 and up to a year in jail.

SIGN: Nathaniel Pawlowski MUST NOT be fined or jailed for protecting kids from Drag Queens 

Pawlowski had asked the police officers if they would also be enforcing “the same law on to the other side with the Antifa protesters”, but nobody was served a ticket except for he and Friesen.

In June 2022, Calgary City Council, under its left-leaning Mayor Jyoti Gondek, amended the city’s bylaws to “specifically prohibit insulting or demeaning behavior, including unwanted sexual advances, or harassing anyone on the basis of age, race, sexual orientation, disability, gender, gender identity or gender expression, among others.” 

In February, Gondek vowed to use the bylaw to go after drag queen story hour protesters after some of the events were postponed by pro-family objectors. 

In early March, fulfilling her promise, Calgary City Council then passed the bylaw that banned protesting against drag queen story hours or any other “LGBTQ” events held at public facilities. 

SIGN: Nathaniel Pawlowski MUST NOT be fined or jailed for protecting kids from Drag Queens 

Carpay noted that while there are limits to free speech,  “Canadians have every right to express their views in public places, regardless of the content of the expression.” 

He also wrote how a 1992 Supreme Court of Canada decision in R. v. Zundel “explained all communications which convey or attempt to convey meaning are protected by the Charter [of Rights and Freedoms], unless the physical form by which the communication is made (for example, a violent act) excludes protection.” 

“The purpose of the Charter’s free expression guarantee is to promote truth, self-fulfillment, and political and social participation. That purpose extends to the protection of minority beliefs which the majority regards as wrong or false,” wrote Carpay. 

According to Carpay, Gondek seems to “believe it is wrong or false to oppose drag queen story readings in public libraries.” 

“She is entitled to express her views, but not to impose her views on others by effectively banning peaceful public protests through a so-called ‘Safe and Inclusive Access’ bylaw,” noted Carpay. 

There exists a “freedom of expression” which includes the “right” to choose “high-visibility locations to hold up signs or banners, sing or chant, hand out literature, gather signatures on a petition, and have a speaker get up on her soapbox,” continued the lawyer. 

“Protests are often held at the locations where injustices (or perceived injustices) are actually occurring,” he added. 

Christian pastor Derek Reimer was jailed and charged in early March for protesting a children’s drag queen story hour at a public library in Calgary.  

Carpay wrote that the city council’s use of “coercive power to relegate peaceful protesters to obscure locations where they cannot be seen or heard,” amounts to “crushing a fundamental Charter freedom on which our democracy depends.” 

“The point of protests is to be seen and heard,” wrote Carpay. 

Carpay noted that being forced to stand 100 meters away from high-visibility and high-traffic areas “reduces freedom of expression to near irrelevance.” 

“Protecting entrances from obstruction is already taken care of by the Criminal Code, and does not require a bylaw that imposes up to $10,000 in fines and up to a year in jail for peacefully protesting less than the length of four swimming pools away from an entrance,” charged Carpay. 

According to Carpay, the Charter’s protection for free speech applies to those at the receiving end of a person speaking out.  

“Potential listeners who have the right to hear diverse points of view, and to decide for themselves what is true and false rather than having Mayor Gondek decide on their behalf,” said Carpay. 

“Calgary’s ‘Safe and Inclusive Access’ bylaw violates the rights of all Calgarians, speakers and listeners, and attacks diversity of thought and belief.” 

Carpay noted that “repressive regimes always take great pains to ensure their subjects are kept ‘safe’ from ideas which the regime believes to be wrong or false.” 

“In the past – and still today – those living in communist North Korea, national socialist Germany, theocratic Iran, Putin’s Russia, communist China and many other places have been kept very safe from ideas that the regime dislikes,” wrote Carpay.  

Carpay noted that in a “free society,” there is no way everyone can be “safe” from hearing one’s opposing views. 

“The ‘safety’ which woke activists on Calgary City Council are promising is attractive to those who support children being exposed to drag queens at public libraries,” wrote Carpay.

“But beware of the erosion of freedom, because the demons of censorship cannot be controlled after their release.” 

In addition to Carpay, the Canadian Constitution Foundation (CCF) has also objected to the new bylaw, and has vowed to commence a legal challenge against the “unconstitutional” policy. 

SIGN: Nathaniel Pawlowski MUST NOT be fined or jailed for protecting kids from Drag Queens


Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s son detained in Calgary for preaching against drag show – LifeSiteNews

Canadian constitutional lawyer rips Calgary law banning drag queen story hour protests – LifeSiteNews

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Lastly, the report also raised the alarm about the possibility of “climate refugees” in the near future, a term used to describe people who flee their homelands due to radical changes in weather patterns.

“Experts recognized there are and will be many challenges around climate refugees as climate change intensifies,” the report stated. “Yet only a few of the experts discussed ways in which public health needs to develop structured plans to prepare for and support both internal and cross-border climate refugees who experience diverse health effects.”

While the link between “climate change” and racism or capitalism may seem dubious to even some of those who promote the mainstream environmental narrative, this is not the first time such a link has been made.

As noted by The Daily Sceptic‘s Chris Morrison, one of Britain’s leading voices on the climate, Professor Kevin Anderson, has similarly called for “radical societal restructuring” as a solution to climate change.

READ: COVID shutdowns were just the beginning. Climate lockdowns are next

Morrison has also noted that in 2020, two University College London geography professors, Mark Maslin and Simon Lewis, argued that colonization and racism are directly linked to the climate “emergency.”

Morrison argues that this is because the climate change agenda is not a scientific one, but a political one, with its “underlying” message being one that is “hard-core Marxist.”

Morrison evidences his argument by pointing to myriad recent studies that either diminish, or outright contradict, the claims of climate activists, particularly when it comes to the link between carbon dioxide (CO2) output and “global warming.”

Most notably, Morrison points to the lack of temperature increase in Antarctica over the last 70 years despite increased CO2 output, the fact that weather-related deaths are down 98 percent over the past 100 years, the over 1,110 researchers who declared the “climate emergency” to be nonexistent, and the often extreme solutions promoted by climate activists which other scientists have warned could lead to mass starvation.

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