
Morning Rundown: Walmart Shooter’s Suicide Note: ‘I Failed to Listen to the Groans of the Holy Spirit’

(CBS News YouTube channel screenshot)

Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Walmart Shooter’s Suicide Note: ‘I Failed to Listen to the Groans of the Holy Spirit’

The man who gunned down six co-workers inside a Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia, and later turned his gun on himself last week apologized to God in a suicide note for his actions and said his victims weren’t singled out or chosen for any particular reason.

Andre Bain, 31, said in his note left on his phone and found by police that he was offended because his co-workers had compared himself to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

“They laughed at me and said I was like Jeffrey Dahmer,” Bain’s note read. “I would have never killed anyone that entered my home.”

An Open Letter to Donald Trump: You Can Heal Our Nation

Whether it’s key evangelical leaders turning on Donald Trump or the media’s outright hatred for him, or the other extreme thinking that Trump is their savior, the divide is deep and the damage is damning.

One side asks, “How can you vote for Trump based on his character?” while the other side responds, “The spiritual direction of the country is the most important matter facing us.”

They add: “I don’t want to hear about someone’s character when the other side thinks it’s okay to kill a child, even at nine months.”

Bible Verse of the Day: Fighting for Faith and Unity to See God Glorified in a Divided Church

Are you feeling anxious or a sense of despair with all that is going on today? If your answer is yes, you wouldn’t be alone. With that in mind it’s important to take a step back and look at what the Bible has to say about faith and hope in troubling times. We are breaking down the Bible verse of the day, which you can cling to on rocky times.

The Bible App’s verse of the day today is Hebrews 11:1 which says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” This verse shows us that we put our faith in something that we can’t see in the natural. To our flesh, it would make sense to follow the world as we plan our path in life, but that is not the substance of faith God has called us to.

Contained within faith is something you can grab on to and anchor in when the natural is pointing a million other directions. That substance could come from a word of knowledge, prophetic word, dream or vision that God has given you about what is coming.

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