
Filmmaker: ‘Women Talking’ offers model of ‘truly democratic’ conversation

“Women Talking,” a movie with book-club appeal, is an adaptation of Miriam Toews’ novel of the same name.

Loosely based on a true story, and centered on themes of forgiveness and courage, the film focuses on a group of women in an isolated Mennonite community as they face down the horrors of systematic drugging and rape by fellow parishioners, and work to build consensus on how to move forward. 

Why We Wrote This

In “Women Talking,” Mennonite women plot a path forward after sexual assault. Writer-director Sarah Polley looks at the limits of forgiveness and the sacrifices of courage.

The movie “grapples with the question of what we want to build, not only what we want to destroy, what we want the world to look like, not just what we don’t want it to look like,” says writer-director Sarah Polley in a recent interview in Boston. 

The female characters in the film, though illiterate, use memorized Bible passages to support their positions. They work through their situation in a way that Ms. Polley says is a model: “[They] construct this truly democratic conversation that actually looks like what we should all expect from democracy, which is a fruitful, rich, difficult, evolving conversation.”

She understands there may be assumptions about the film’s audience. “Will men go see a movie called ‘Women Talking’?” she wonders. “I can’t wait to find out. I certainly hope so.”

“Women Talking,” a movie with book-club appeal, is an adaptation of Miriam Toews’ novel of the same name. Loosely based on a true story, and centered on themes of forgiveness and courage, the film focuses on a group of women in an isolated Mennonite community as they face down the horrors of systematic drugging and rape by fellow parishioners, and work to build consensus on how to move forward. Writer-director Sarah Polley (“Away From Her,” “Stories We Tell”) sat down with the Monitor in Boston recently to talk about the film. The conversation has been lightly edited and condensed for space.

The costumes and set could imply a time long ago – that we’ve moved beyond harmful situations brought on by rigid gender roles – but it’s also timeless. Why is it important to tell this story now?

I think of the film as a kind of fable that’s about all of us who live in patriarchal societies. It grapples with the question of what we want to build, not only what we want to destroy, what we want the world to look like, not just what we don’t want it to look like. 

Why We Wrote This

In “Women Talking,” Mennonite women plot a path forward after sexual assault. Writer-director Sarah Polley looks at the limits of forgiveness and the sacrifices of courage.

In the film there are moments of emotional tension, and then the women would gather and shift into their faith and the tension would dissipate. What was happening?

They have this amazing stuff to rely on, right? Like that amazing piece of Scripture that I think is so powerful and really changes the entire direction of the conversation. When one of the elders says, “I suggest that we think about what is good, what is pure, what is true, what is excellent,” and takes that verse from Philippians [4:8] and it completely shifts the conversation. It’s interesting because it’s a group of women who are illiterate, but what they do have is this unbelievable in-depth understanding and analysis of the Bible. … [And then they] construct this truly democratic conversation that actually looks like what we should all expect from democracy, which is a fruitful, rich, difficult, evolving conversation.

Eric Charbonneau/EPK.TV

Sarah Polley, writer-director of “Women Talking,” speaks at a special screening of the film at the 2022 AFI Fest on Nov. 5 in Los Angeles.

In the film, each character has a different definition of forgiveness. Was that intentional?

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